Ever since NLP was created, there’s been a flood of applications. It started to be used for therapy, then quickly picked up by sales people, and shortly thereafter used to create seduction patterns.
There are basically two types of seduction patterns, completely large patterns that are memorized, and are recited much the way a stand up comic would give the same routine to different audiences, sounding spontaneous and “in the moment” each and every time, then there are seduction patterns that are based on “fragments” that you kind of build together in the moment.
Let’s think about each type of seduction patterns, and how it affects the girl you’re talking to, before we get knee deep into details.
Let’s say you walk up to a girl, establish some rapport, and start using one of the most famous seduction patterns of all time, the “instantaneous connection” pattern.
Now, this will only work if she follows along the whole time. If she gets distracted, or if you don’t have as much rapport as you think you do, it won’t work.
It’s kind of like a comedian that has a whole routine memorized, with no room for error or anything. He or she suddenly gets heckled, and it throws him off balance, and then he’s done.
On the other hand, think of a comedian that’s got ten or twenty stories memorized, and he can pull these out based on what happens. These guys are the real superstars, as they can “riff” off what the audience gives me, and look like incredible geniuses.
This works because most of us have the same experiences. So if a particular comedian hears some heckler talk about relationships, or airline travel, or waiting in line at the post office, he can pull a story that’s similar enough to that, and then just work it into his routine.
Back to our seduction patterns example. So you’re talking to the girl and running the “instantaneous connection” pattern, and she starts talking about something completely unrelated. What do you do?
You can’t do much, which is why it’s much more useful to use seduction patterns that are based on a couple techniques from NLP and covert hypnosis, as well as your own experiences.
Now, one to understand, that is absolutely crucial, is that the content doesn’t matter. Meaning the topic of whatever you’re talking about doesn’t nearly as much as your energy, body language, and facial expressions, as well as your tone of voice.
Some banker talking about some billion dollar deal he just made, with totally boring body language and voice tone is going to put her to sleep, regardless of the content.
On the other hand, some guy who’s talking about the frog he found in his bath tub, while animated, excited, and emotionally energetic is going to get her much more interested and emotionally involved.
So how do you come up with your own seduction patterns? Easy.
Just think of about ten different stories, from your own childhood, or recent history, that cover the following “emotional themes”:
Discovering Something New
Overcoming An Obstacles
Falling In Love
Finding Treasure
Feeling Close To Somebody
Taking Risks And Being Successful
Going On An Adventure
It may take some practice, but not much, as these are your own stories. It may take some time to find some stories that are on these themes, but once you find them, you’re good to go.
Weaving Together Seduction Patterns
The first thing you’ll need to know is something called “embedded commands.” These are command structure sentences (like “eat chicken” or “feel excited” or “have fun” or “give me your phone number”) that are put into a larger sentence.
For example, if you were to put the command, “give me your phone number” into a larger sentence, it may look something like this:
The other day I was listening to these people talking, and one guy looked at me and said, “give me your phone number,” but then he started talking to his friend.
The key is when you say, “give me your phone number” you actually look at her and pretend, in your mind, like you’re actually saying it TO HER.
She’ll pick it up on a subconscious level, and start to actually think about doing it.
Anchors For Seduction Patterns
Another tool to use is anchors. Pick one side of your body for “good,” and another side for “not good.” And simply gesture on one side whenever saying “good things” and gesture on the other side of your body when saying “not good things.”
Do this for a while, so she’s “trained,” and then start using your “good” anchors whenever you drop in a command. So when you say that phone number line from above, when you get to the part where you say, “give me your phone number” you automatically fire off the “good” anchor.
Self Pointing
Another way to use this anchor is by self pointing. Any time you mention something good, point to yourself. Don’t be too obvious, and don’t do this too often.
But if you drop a few of these throughout the conversation, she’ll start to subconsciously associate those “good things” with you.
Now, when you choose these “good things,” there’s two ways. One is to use universally accepted good things, like “vacation” or “finding money” or “free stuff.”
A much better way is to find “good things” that are important to her. Simply get her talking about something she likes, and pay attention when she says certain things in a way that indicates she really likes it. Like her eyes light up when she says it, or her faces gets really bright and excited.
Then repeat whatever she said, however she said it, and covertly point at yourself.
Nested Loops And Seduction Patterns
The next powerful tool is nested loops. This is basically when you start a story, (those stories you came up with above), and before you finish one, you simply start another one.
It’s best if you kind of build up to a climax point, and then shift stories.
This will leave her hanging, and totally kill any desire for her eyes or mind to wander. Do this a couple times, and she’ll literally be transfixed by you and your stories.
Start off by finding some stories. Talk to her with excitement and enthusiasm. Learn to use good anchors and not good anchors. Anchor good things to yourself. Use embedded commands. Use all of these techniques within the nested loop structure, based on your own history and experiences, so you come across as totally congruent.
Once you figure out how to do this, you’ll be amazed how quickly she falls head over heels for you!