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Without question, confidence is one of the best qualities you can develop.
From a purely mind-body engineering standpoint, confidence effects how you perceive the world.
If you are lacking confidence, your confirmation bias will shift to point out all the dangers.
If you are filled with confidence, your confirmation bias will shift to point out all the opportunities.
When you radiate a sense a confidence, everybody can tell.
And they make certain assumptions about you from your confidence.
They’ll assume you’ve got a lot of experience.
They’ll assume you can handle yourself in plenty situations.
They’ll assume you aren’t the type who hangs out on the sidelines waiting until it’s “safe” to get in the game.
All these assumptions will create a huge amount of attraction for you in their brain.
Not just romantic attraction.
Easy Hire
If you radiate strong confidence on a job interview, they’ll assume you can handle your stuff.
So even if your resume doesn’t quite stack up, they’ll figure you can learn what you need to learn.
Even if you are doing something like competitive bodybuilding, confidence will take you a long way.
It wouldn’t seem so.
It would seem that only your physique is being judged.
But stage confidence will shift the minds of the judges.
It’s like having your own personal halo effect.
It will make you stand out in people’s brains.
They will perceive something is different about you.
That you have something the other contestants lack.
The more confidence you have, the less “game” you need.
You can truly just “be yourself” and that will be enough.
With enough confidence you can handle any “frame tests” with ease.
Which will, of course, increase how much they are attracted to you even more.
Now for the money question.
How, exactly, do you GET that much confidence.
The old school way is pretty straightforward.
Keep charging on ahead.
The more experience you get, the more confidence you’ll get.
But that takes a long time.
And a lot of rejection.
Screw that!
We want an easier way.
A better way.
A way to get gargantuan confidence with only a few mind shifts.
To see things a bit differently.
So see social situations as a playground, not a “win-lose” death battle.
To genuinely not care what outcome you get.
Which, paradoxically, will get you the best outcome possible.
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Flamboyant Confidence
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