Territorial Earthlings https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Jan23_Post.mp4 Punching a bee hive would be a silly thing to do. Bees are programmed to defend their territory. So willing are they willing to defend their turf that they die in the process. Whenever a bee stings an attacker, they die. If you wandered into a wolf forest […]
Discover Your Purpose
Where To Go? https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Dec31_Post.mp4 Many, if not most, feel a lack of purpose. Dangerously, many also feel a need to be “told” their purpose. The reason this is dangerous is our “purpose” can be hijacked. Our instinctive thinking can be hijacked. For example, in many mammals they have something called “kin […]