One of a popular means to open a girl is with any variation of the “opinion opener.”
There’s plenty of ways to do this, but let’s consider the whole purpose of an opener.
It’s really just an icebreaker. A state breaker. For any kind of persuasion, there are four basic levels. If you do them all correctly, you’ll be successful, whether you’re selling time shares or picking up gorgeous girls.
First is you’ve got to break their state. You’ve change what they’re thinking and talking about, to include you.
Second is you’ve got to create rapport. Get them feeling comfortable and relaxed.
Third is you’ve got to elicit their criteria. Find out what’s important to them. What they want, and why they want what they want.
Finally, you’ve got to demonstrate that what you’ve got is a good match for what they want.
So long as what you’ve got is reasonably close to what they want, this method works pretty well.
Now, the last two steps, may not SEEM like they work in a pickup, meaning you don’t really go up and talk to her about what she’s looking for in a guy, and then show her how you fit that criteria, but it DOES happen.
It just happens subconsciously and covertly instead of overtly. Meaning that while you’re talking to her, both of you are presenting what you’ve got, and kind of “feeling out” what the other person’s got.
Humans are hard wired so that when we (male and female) both decide that each other has got what each other wants, that spells mutual attraction.
However, before you get to that mutually exploratory conversation, you’ve got to break the state (use some kind of opener) and then create rapport.
Now, this can happen incredibly quickly, like interrupting a girl who’s walking down the street and straight out asking for her number, or it can happen over a long, long time. The “building rapport” phase can last any where from a few minutes to a few years.
But back to the opinion opener. Think of a topic, any topic that’s safe. Don’t use politics, religion, or any hot button issue that’s in the news. It’s got to be complicated, so she can’t quickly say how she feels.
It’s got to be something that she’s got to think about. AND it has to be something where you’ve got an opinion that may be different than hers, giving you a basis for further discussion.
It’s important that yours is different than hers so you don’t sound like every chump in the place, who agrees with pretty much everything she says.
How do you introduce the opinion opener? Start off by saying that she looks like a friend of yours, and you always had weird conversations. Then tell her you’re going to ask her a strange question, then ask her the strange question.
Something like this works great:
“Say, I don’t mean to interrupt you, but you look at lot like a friend of mine, and I can’t get our last conversation out of my head. Let me ask you a strange question. What do you think about using toothpaste as a carpet cleaner?”
Just to process everything will take a TON of brainpower, which means she’s going to pretty much forget everything she WAS talking about, in order to talk to you.
And when she does, you can send her emotions on a wild roller coaster of pleasure with these amazing language patterns: