Most people don’t give their subconscious minds much credit.
Sure, we all know about it, we’ve maybe read a couple of books or maybe even been to an NLP seminar.
But when we think of “ourselves,” we usually think of our subconscious as just one part of us, like our left foot, or that old pair of jeans that you haven’t worn in a while.
Most people would be shocked at the extent that our subconscious is running our lives, 24/7.
We all love to think we are super logical, rational thinking creatures, and it’s only “those other people” that are lead by their emotions.
But if you’re honest with yourself, and you really look closely at your choices, big ones and small, you’ll come to the conclusion that they are emotionally driven.
When I was a kid I loved science. When it was time to choose a major in college, I naturally chose physics. I figured that once I understood the basic laws of physics, I’d knew how everything worked.
How wrong I was.
See, the basic equations are pretty, well, basic. Easy to understand, easy to use predict the movements of simple systems.
But underneath every law, is a completely different set of laws. Eventually you’ll get ZERO answer to your “why” questions.
Why does the earth revolve around the sun? Because of gravity, and centripetal force.
Why is there gravity? Because two objects that have mass attract each other.
Why is do two objects attract each other? Um… we’re still working on that.
But there is a reason beneath all human behavior. When you get past the logical reasons we tell ourselves, and all the pretend, after the fact rationalizations, the truth is pretty simple.
Because it feels “right.”
From the color of the shirt you’re wearing now, to the choice of your career, to the choice of your life partner.
Emotions, and feelings, are everything.
Truth is, when you look at the evolution of life on earth, on a time line, from the basic one celled organism to us, rational thought hasn’t been around very long.
That means we are driven by a huge collection of instincts, that are fired off by certain triggers.
Understanding these triggers will let you see behind the curtain of human behavior.
They’re as close to a “Grand Unification Theory” of human behavior as you’re gonna get.
And you can learn them here: