Your brain is an amazing tool that you most likely take for granted.
After all, how often do you think about how you think?
About as often as a fish contemplates the water he’s swimming around in, right?
But consider this:
Every single second your senses are hit with millions of bits of information. PER SECOND.
Yet your conscious mind is only aware of (can only handle) about 40 bits, per second.
What’s that mean?
That means there’s plenty of stuff that’s going straight into your subconscious. Stuff you’ve decided isn’t important. That’s why when you buy a red car, you suddenly see red cars everywhere, or pregnant ladies suddenly see pregnant ladies everywhere.
They were there all along, you just didn’t notice them.
So here’s the question:
What are you NOT noticing, that can help you get what you want?
When all you’ve got is a hammer, all you see are nails.
But what if you had a HUGE set of tools?
What would you see then?
Something to think about.