Most guys try to “wing it” when meeting girls for potential relationships, and they even try to “wing it” within a relationship.
Meaning they figure they’ll know what to do once the situation presents itself.
This can work, but it also makes it feel like you are the mercy of the gods. Leading to thoughts of “getting lucky” or “getting her number” or other language that metaphorically represents YOU as a powerless receiver of the unknowable world of women.
Luckily, there’s an easy cure.
One that will make meeting, talking to and dating girls fun and easy, instead of random and intimidating.
What is it?
Criteria. And not the criteria that most clowns have, which is she’ gotta be hot.
After all, most relationship problems come because and girls hook up without knowing much about other, and after that initial excitement wears off, you find out you really aren’t so compatible. In fact, if she were a guy, you’d hate her guts.
Of course, if you just want just random hookups, that’s fine. But having criteria ASIDE from just her looks will work wonders.
That way, when you walk up to cute girls to start conversations, you won’t worried and hoping she “accepts” you rather than reject you.
That’s because once you’ve got some solid criteria, YOU will be qualifying HER.
The truth is that having solid criteria of what you want, girls or otherwise, is the true secret of living a life filled with abundance and success.
Since most people have no clue how this works, they end up living lives that are random, filled with poverty and very little chance of an emotionally satisfying and life supporting relationship.
Once you find out how to create and set your sights on what you want, life suddenly becomes easy and fun, and you can finally escape the trap of random normalness.
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