Pork Disaster
One critical idea is calibration.
This is kind of an abstract concept.
But to fully get the most out of life, calibration is absolutely critical.
What is calibration?
Let’s say you’re having a dinner party.
And you’re cooking a pork roast.
And the recipe says to cook the pork until it’s internal temperature is 145 degrees.
So you cook it, and to make sure it’s done, you stick in the thermometer.
And it says 145.
You serve it, it’s delicious.
But then everybody dies.
The cops come, and they figure out your thermometer is incorrectly calibrated.
This means when it was reading 145, it was really only 115.
The temperature it was showing was different than what it really was.
How might you calibrate a digital thermometer?
You have to measure something that you KNOW the correct temperature of.
Like boiling water.
OR you can compare it to a much more accurate thermometer.
What the heck does any of this have to do with self development?
Brain Calibration
Our entire mind body system is a data interpretation device.
Every memory you have came in through your own five measurement devices.
Eyes, ears, mouth, fingers and tongue.
But humans are much, much more complex than a thermometer.
Plenty of people make a living creating things that specifically trick our eyes and our ears.
We have these biases, like confirmation bias.
Where you specifically look for things to validate your beliefs.
This is where the white noise effect comes in.
You listen to a bunch of white noise.
What’s He Saying?
Eventually, you’ll start to “hear things” in the white noise.
Just like people “see things,” like rabbits and balloons and what not, in the clouds.
But if you keep listening to that white noise, it can go off in strange loops.
Like you might think you hear a voice.
Then your confirmation bias kicks in.
Then you start to assume that voice is a ghost.
More confirmation bias.
Then you start to assume it’s an evil ghost.
Pretty soon that demon is speaking to you from the white noise telling you go on a killing spree!
White Brain Effect
When we look out into the world, a large part if what we see is based on how we remember things from the past.
Our mind-body systems are built like that.
To continue to update our knowledge about ourselves and the environment.
But the same white noise type effect can still happen.
A self-sustaining loop of DOOM!
Even worse if you have some very, very unhelpful memories.
Memories of being hurt by others.
Memories of hurting others, or yourself.
These painful memories can significantly alter you how well you can calibrate situations in real time.
Luckily, you can re-calibrate your brain just like you can re-calibrate a thermometer.
Significantly adding to your in-the-moment thinking and speaking resources.
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