There’s a funny thing about human life, and that’s when we don’t have something, it’s all we want.
But as soon as we get it, we realize it’s not really such a big deal.
When it comes to meeting girls and creating relationships, this is doubly or triply true.
On the one hand, you’ve got guys that can get laid without even trying. Because they’ve so much experience with women, they don’t see them as being special or magical. It’s just one part of life that they enjoy. If they had to go without for a few weeks, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.
On the other hand you’ve got guys that have got HUGE poverty mindsets when it comes to women. Every girl they see that gives even a HINT of an IOI is seen as a “make or break” watershed of life. If he gets the girl, (or even gets more IOI’s) then he’s a winner and everything’s going to work out.
However, if she rebuffs him or blows him off, he’s a loser (in HIS mind) and everything’s going down in flames.
The truth is that all men are programmed on a DEEP level to want certain things. Food, social status, approval, and sex.
If you don’t have much of any of these, girls CAN seem like the solution to everything.
But it’s a trap. If you get yourself into a relationship, hoping that somehow it will magically cure all of your life’s ills, you’re going to end up living for HER, and living for the RELATIONSHIP.
Meaning SHE and the RELATIONSHIP will come first, and your wants needs and desires (if they are even allowed) will come in a decent second.
So if you’re looking at girls and relationships as the CURE for your life, you might be disappointed. That initial excitement, emotional rush and sexual satisfaction can quickly turn into a trap.
However, if you’re already building a solid life, based on YOUR goals and dreams, and she’s an additional benefit to YOUR life, rather than an imaginary solution to your problems, then you can enjoy her (and she can enjoy YOU) so much more.
The BEST foundation for the BEST relationships are YOUR life, that YOU are living, according to YOUR choices.
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