Food Chasers
A long, long time ago, we were persistence hunters.
Or so some anthropologists believe.
This is why we have arched feet and relatively hairless, sweaty bodies.
The arched feet help us run for a long time without damaging our joints.
Kind of like shock absorbers.
Our sweaty hairless bodies bleed of body heat.
Most animals can only do this by panting.
Which requires they stop and pant.
So we, as the theory goes, can “jog” after an animal for a few hours.
Eventually we’ll catch up since it needs to stop and rest.
But then something changed.
We figured out a way to use energy that was OUTSIDE of our bodies.
Before we had to consume energy.
Burn To Get
But get energy the only way was to burn energy.
Then eat the animal and convert that into energy.
But then we discovered fire.
Fire was a very, very useful tool.
An energy tool that was ALWAYS outside of our bodies.
Using fire (energy) to get more energy required some thinking.
Strategic conditional thinking.
That takes a big brain.
That takes communication persuasion.
To tell a bunch of other cave dudes when and where to go and light the fires.
And tell a couple of other cave dudes where to secretly hide and ambush the animals running away from the fire.
Bigger Brains
This is what drove the massive expansion in brain size.
Whoever had the best brain in any generation would be the best thinker.
The best strategic hunter.
And would get laid with all the ladies.
The alpha.
What was the next source of energy?
To produce food from the land.
And guess what?
Whoever owned the most land produced the most food and was the alpha.
After land came oil.
Energy is Money
Whichever modern countries happen to have the most oil underneath them are generally the richest.
Of course, oil is much, much more complicated than owning land.
And owning land is much, much more complicated than being the alpha of a tribe of hunter gatherers.
Our instincts still believe we are hunter gatherers.
Here is one not so happy idea to think about.
Back in the days of hunter gatherers, the ONLY way you could ever hope to get laid was to be a top producer.
By only being a top producer, you got status.
Status drove attraction.
Still does.
So one way to think about your natural sexual urges is as a massive reminder to get status to get laid to have a family.
But today, just like food, sex is pretty easy to get.
Having too much sex with too many (low quality) people is just like eating too much low quality food.
Now Feeling
Feels good in the present.
But can be devastating in the long run.
Consider your sex energy to be your most powerful force of motivation.
The driver of creativity and ambition.
To create a life unheard of in modern times.
Learn How:
Sex Energy
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