Cat Skinners
Audio Player
We humans are pretty flexible.
They think it all started once we split our division of labor along gender lines.
Dudes would hunt, women would gather.
This allowed us to live in a lot more areas.
It also made “unions” between humans much more important.
Plenty of animals practice the “hit it and quit it” reproduction style.
Plenty of animals don’t need two parents.
But once we invented fire, our brains got really big, really quick.
Making us humans EXTREMELY labor intensive, from about zero to at least ten.
This required TWO PEOPLE to raise us.
Which meant the initial “feeling” of two people getting together had to be very strong.
You might think of this in three steps.
Three Step Love
The first step is in the building of attraction.
This had to happen naturally.
Aided by the entire tribe.
The tribe had a vested interest in couples who stayed together.
So there was a LOT of vetting going on.
And the feeling of falling in love happened slowly and organically.
Then once the couple had sex, this created a different feeling.
Level Two.
They’d been vetted, and they no longer wondered if the other person liked them.
They KNEW.
And it felt fantastic.
But then the kids came along.
And the dude felt MASSIVE pride in being the best possible provider for his family that he could.
The lady felt massive obligation to help him out any way she could.
Not just food for her and her kid, but to maintain a high level of status.
The more status he maintained, by being one of the top killers, the more status she got by proxy.
And the more food he provided to the tribe.
A very well-oiled system filtered through thousands of generations of humans and proto humans.
Production Competition
All the dudes competed to be the best.
All their ladies encouraged them to be their best.
Today, life is much different.
But those deeper feelings are still there.
Dudes and ladies still respond to the same feelings and actions from each other.
And you can reverse engineer what those actions are today, and how they can create those feelings in each other.
It’s not easy, it’s not quick, but it is very, very powerful if you can maintain enough patience to make it happen.
Become Irresistible
If you are a dude, you be the dude all the ladies dream of.
If you are a lady, you can be the lady all the dudes dream of.
This goes much deeper than modern fake looks and fake status.
This is ancient.
This is irresistible.
This is within reach.
Learn How:
Love Magnet
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