Pass The Chips
Humans are pretty lazy animals.
Which, paradoxically, is our best trait.
Or one of our best traits.
A long, long time ago, we split based on gender.
Men hunted, and got protein and fat.
Women gathered, and got roots, nuts, etc.
This made is different than every other animal.
Boy monkeys and girl monkeys both eat bananas.
Boy anteaters and girl anteaters both eat ants.
So every other animal has a kind of area that it protects.
Anteaters hang out where all the ants are.
Monkeys live where all the bananas are.
But since we split, we’ve been wandering around the Earth.
Which means we had to continue to learn how to get stuff every time we went into a new area.
Endless Learning
And since we were lazy, we didn’t to have to put in a lot of work.
We had to use our big brains to invent stuff to make it easier.
But we were also scared.
Some historians have said the entirety of human history has been a story of scared, lazy people trying to make things easier and safer.
Consider that every invention is either to make things easier, or safer.
So long as we are constrained by our environment, this trait kept pushing us to keep inventing stuff.
Constrained to our environment?
For example, if there was a bucket of water above your bed, that would dump water on you at 7:05, getting out of bed at 7:00 would be EASY.
This is how constraints work.
If we DON’T do anything, we’re in big trouble.
Don’t Get Wet
So getting out of bed at 7:00 is preferable to getting a cold bucket of water dumped on top of you.
This was the human condition for tens of thousands of years.
But recently, due to massive technology, massive energy and plenty of really cool inventions, this is kind of switched.
Meaning, we can find ourselves in situations where it is preferable to do NOTHING.
At least in the short term.
But on a long enough time line, doing nothing is JUST as deadly as it was thousands of years ago.
The trick is leverage your genius brain to bring FORWARD the results of long term laziness.
And let THAT motivate you today.
There are many, many benefits of doing things TODAY to build a much further out FUTURE.
If you ONLY live for today, you’ll only feel the good things and bad things TODAY.
Which is why common fears SEEM so strong.
Choose Your Sport
It’s kind of like football vs. baseball.
Most people live their lives like a football team.
One loss is DEVASTATING.
But like a baseball team?
One loss is no big deal.
Because there are many, many more games.
Live your life like that, and your future is ALWAYS getting better.
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