Guitar Hero
I’m a huge fan of Led Zeppelin.
Now, and way back when I was in college.
Once, a long time ago, I was at a party.
And some guy I was talking to casually mentioned he’d seen Zeppelin in concert.
I eagerly listened as he described it.
He said that during the concern, Robert Plant (the singer) looked over at Jimmy Page (the guitarist) and asked him to turn down his amp.
Jimmy Page smiled and shook his head.
According to my friend, based on the gestures, the message from Page to Plant was clear:
“I’m not playing quieter. You need to sing louder.”
This is very similar to a quote by Jim Rohn.
And old school self help kind of dude.
He wasn’t about law of attraction or any kind of magic shortcuts.
Hard work, self discipline, pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of guy.
One of his famous quotes:
Step Up Your Game
“Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.”
Many men complain about the “nature” of women.
That women wait at the finish line for the winner.
Or that female hypergamy is the source of all problems.
We’ll, consider the Jim Rohn response.
From an evolutionary standpoint.
Ever since the dawn of time, dudes competed to get women.
This male competition is what built society.
It’s why men sailed across unknown oceans just to see what’s there.
This male competition to get the HOTTEST girl waiting at the finish line is why we evolved.
Healthy Competition
Without those hot ladies waiting at the finish line, there is NO REASON for men to compete.
So instead wishing it were easier, why not wish you were better?
Yes, this is not a friendly, feel good message.
There is no shortage of gurus telling you why it’s not your fault.
Why it’s something in the world that is causing the problems.
Well, the world’s not going to make it easier.
So, get better.
The IDEAL OUTCOME for every dude since the dawn of time was to be SUCH a dominant force on the playing field, they wouldn’t get THE hottest girls at the finish line.
All Mine
They would get ALL the girls at the finish line.
Every time a dude COULD get that outcome, they did.
Even anthropologists get this.
They say we are monogamist, generally, but we become polygamous when we can.
Whenever a male has ENOUGH relative social status, compared to all the other men, so he CAN get more than one lady, he does.
Females would rather SHARE a top tier dude than have a lower tier dude all to themselves.
Many men wring their hands and shake their fists at this aspect of female nature.
They wish it were easier.
They wish Jimmy Page wouldn’t play so loud.
Total Domination
Why not BE that guy that gets all the girls?
Why not BE the guy that all the ladies want to share?
Why not BE the guy who wins the race and gets all the ladies at the finish line?
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