Efficient Brain
There’s a very common idea that those who really control society are hidden in the shadows.
This is more metaphorical than “truth.”
It is true that the most powerful people are not people most know about.
Not necessarily “hidden in the shadows,” but behind the scenes.
Hidden in the shadows makes it seem like they are all pure evil.
But for the sake of argument, let’s assume that some of them aren’t actually pure evil.
Let’s just assume that the things that are important to them are not important to most people.
Take a guy like Elon Musk.
Successful, but also loves to be in the spotlight.
Loves to make waves on twitter and other social media.
Loves attention from his fans.
Or consider any politician.
They love attention.
They love giving speeches in front of raving fans.
On the other hand, consider a very popular book, “The Millionaire Next Door.”
Based on a study of super achievers.
Low Profile Money
They live next door because they don’t crave the limelight.
They crave success, but only the success that is important to them.
They live next door which generally means nobody knows they are a millionaire.
Maybe it’s because they don’t chase fame and validation like most, they have much more brain energy to pursue more profitable things.
Making products they can sell to happily paying customers.
Imagine being the owner of a bread shop.
You have the same basic desires as everybody.
To be successful.
To make people happy.
To get positive validation from others.
But not in the abstract.
Not from everybody.
And certainly not superficially.
Calibrated Status
Only in specific contexts.
Like when you see familiar customers coming in to buy your bread.
They pay you, you hand over the bread, and BOTH of you are happy.
That feels good.
But random people online?
In bars and clubs, where people try and outframe each other with random nonsense?
Not so much.
This is maybe why the most successful people in society are people nobody knows.
Not because they are hiding from anybody.
But because they really don’t care if they are famous.
In fact, they shun fame since it causes more problems than it’s worth.
They’d rather focus on their ambitions.
And because they reject that which most chase, they are way more efficient.
This can only be done with somebody with a strong frame.
Strong confidence.
Hyper Focused
To shun superficial attention and recognition and only focus on what’s important to you.
Strangely enough, if you really don’t care about superficial status, that makes you very, very attractive.
Like you know something they don’t.
And you can leverage this in very powerful ways.
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