I Want…
Everybody is gun shy about expressing their desires.
This is very structural.
As children, we keep asking for stuff.
And we keep getting told no.
And usually, we get told no with not so pleasant body language.
So by the time we reach adulthood, most of normal people have been “trained” to have anxiety when expressing their desires.
This is why it’s so hard to be assertive.
Most people are passive-aggressive to a certain degree.
We are passive most of the time.
But eventually something bubbles over and we DO express our desires, but we do so aggressively.
Even low-anxiety having humans have another obstacle to openly and comfortably express their desires.
So called “idea contests.”
Suppose you got four well adjusted adults having a conversation.
A friend, organically evolving conversation.
Me Me Me
Everybody is primarily interested in expressing their own desires and opinions.
Sure, they’ll be polite and let others finish.
But at the same time they are waiting for their turn.
So nearly EVERYBODY has at least one of these experiences.
Either being to shy to openly and assertively express their desires.
Or to express their desires only to be followed by somebody else expressing their desires.
Very few people have ever had the experience of expressing their desires for more than a minute or so.
That’s where you come in.
The expert communicator.
To ask simple questions about THEIR desires.
To help them with follow up questions about their desires.
No lazy questions like, “Tell me more!”
But very well thought out and articulate question that are VERY EASY for them to answer.
With each subsequent question building more and more “desire” energy in their brain.
And guess what?
The longer you continue this simple process, the better they’ll feel.
They won’t know why, but you will.
They won’t know why they are subconsciously associating that desire with you, but you will.
Even better is when later, you demonstrate that you REMEMBER those desires, they’ll feel an even BIGGER desire for you.
They’ll think it just happened naturally.
Deep Secret
But you’ll know the heavenly truth.
That you can do this with ANYBODY.
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