Not Funny
I took an improv class once.
I had not idea what it was, it was recommended to me.
I thought it was going to be about comedy.
But it was about improv in the context of any kind of stage acting.
Plays are based on memorized lines.
But you can interpret them any way you like.
There have been very, very many interpretations of Shakespeare, for example.
He didn’t write much of anything in his plays except for the lines.
No stage directions or anything like that.
Which gave the actors a TON of flexibility on how to play their parts.
As You Like It
And Shakespeare used a ton of “ambiguity.”
The way the lines were set up could mean many, many different things.
So improv, as it turns out is a very useful and necessary practice for actors.
How to respond in the moment, congruently to acting partners.
The more they can make the pre-written lines seem real, and spontaneous, the better the performance will be.
Which is kind of interesting.
Plato had the idea that nature is imperfect.
And philosophy is a way to “perfect” our “imperfect” reality.
You might say the same about movies and dramas vs. real life.
Real life is, more or less a train wreck.
Directional Motivators
Movies are an IDEALIZED version of real life.
When people say movies aren’t realistic, they are missing the point.
Way back in the days before society, all we had were stories.
And just like today, those stories are not supposed to be realistic.
They are supposed to be inspirational.
To create, in our brains, and IDEALIZED version of reality.
Something that try to move closer toward, throughout our lives.
Directional Goals
A kind of metaphorical human carrot.
An ideal world filled with ideal relationships, ideal outcomes, and all kinds of necessary tragic emotions we NEED to move through.
Most people today are terrified to do ANYTHING that is “dangerous.”
Look around socially.
Most people are both hiding and pretending.
They are hiding from people because they are so terrified to being “found out.”
Everybody has secret closets filled with horrible skeletons.
At least that’s what it feels like from the inside.
So not only to we keep that part of us as secret as we can, we cover it up with a layer of fakeness.
Most our true personalities are surrounded by two layers.
A layer of fear on the inside.
And a layer of fakeness out the outside.
Keep Up The Lie
This is why many people today are serial monogamists.
That outer fake layer can only last so long.
Eventually you and they will get closer to the real you.
And if you lead with FAKENESS, that real you, and the real them is going to be much different.
Kind of like false advertising.
Both parties feel cheated and manipulated.
Faker and Faker
Which makes them double down on the fear and the fakeness.
There is an easy way around this common trap.
Find, accept and appreciate the REAL YOU.
No fear.
No fakeness.
Do this and people will ADORE you.
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