Yo Yo Brain
There are a lot of structures that you’ll see everywhere, once you learn to notice them.
Like the yo-yo diet syndrome.
You want to lose weight, and you want to lose a lot.
So you start out with tons of motivation.
But then you burn out after a while, and give up.
The weight you lost is quickly put back on.
Or consider a huge desire to play guitar or any other instrument.
You have big dreams of being a musician.
So you start practicing every day.
But then it gets pretty boring.
And it doesn’t really feel like you are making much progress.
So you give up.
Two similar structures.
Run And Quit
You start off with motivation, but then as the motivation slowly dies, so does your commitment to the goal.
Then you give up.
There is a common idea called “Imposter Syndrome.”
This happens when you reach success but it doesn’t seem quite real.
You start off doing something normal, but then you become far more successful than you’d expected.
Everybody’s treating you like a rock star.
But something feels off.
Like maybe somebody made a mistake.
And when they find out their mistake, when they find out who you REALLY are, they’ll kick you down a few notches.
This is a slow move out of your comfort zone.
Kind of like the yo-yo diet and the music practice.
In your brain, before you started, you had a vague idea that practice increases skills.
But when you actually realized how boring practice was, and how LONG it would take to get results, it didn’t really make sense.
The boring practice was outside your comfort zone.
Not Exciting
Not from a fear or social anxiety standpoint, but from a boring and tedious standpoint.
These two are similar, but opposite.
In the physical skills or weight loss, you sort of have this idea that it will happen rather quickly.
So when you realize how LONG it will take, it changes your frame of mind.
But with rapid success, it’s the opposite.
What you thought would happen over a long time happens pretty quickly.
As if somebody made a mistake.
This is one reason why cult leaders go off the rails.
Grow Too Fast
At first, they have a small, loyal, core group.
Say a couple hundred people.
But then something happens and their audience grows significantly.
This is very hard to handle while maintaining the same frame you’ve always had.
You can either self-sabotage, or turn into a lunatic.
But you can inoculate yourself against Imposter Syndrome.
And truly believe, at a deep level, that you DESERVE whatever success happens.
Whether it happens very quickly, or very slowly.
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