Simple Minded Humans
It is very, very hard for us humans to think for ourselves.
2/3’s of people “fail” the Milgram test.
2/3’s of people will shock a guy who’s begging them to stop, only because an authority figure says so.
2/3’s of people “fail” the Asch conformity test.
2/3’s of people will choose an incorrect answer, KNOWING it is incorrect, because that’s the answer the crowd is choosing.
2/3’s of people are overweight.
Which means that 2/3’s of people can’t ignore their hunger instincts.
Humans didn’t survive by thinking and acting independently.
We survived by eating whenever we could.
By going along with the crowd, which was always following authority.
If you pay close attention to any kind of argument, they are MOSTLY based on social proof or authority.
It’s Been Proven
People reference studies and opinions.
Very, very few people can get an idea in their brain and convince others why that idea is true WITHOUT referencing some kind of authority figure.
Most people have VERY WEAK frames.
We borrow or copy ideas from our social reference group.
We borrow or copy ideas from the recognized authorities by our social reference group.
Now it is EASIER than ever to live life with a head FILLED with borrowed ideas.
Most people are so WEAK with both their frame and their ideas they can’t even explain why they think what they do.
“If you don’t understand it I can’t explain it to you!”
“It’s already been proven!”
“THAT dumb idea has already been debunked!”
“I’m right! Go look it up!”
Train Wreck Nation
We are in a weird place, economically and socially.
EVERYBODY is so sure of their ideas, but absolutely INCAPABLE of explaining why.
In some ways, this kind of sucks.
In other ways, it’s pretty funny.
But in some ways, this is a fantastic opportunity.
Because with just a LITTLE bit of intelligence, and just a LITTLE bit of frame strength, you can clean up.
Sure, winning political arguments won’t get you any money or love.
But having a strong frame will.
One way to PROVE nobody really knows anything is by refraining from engaging in any idea contests.
How Specifically…
And only ask simple, emotional free questions.
I used to live in a place where there were many Mormons.
And I would LOVE it when they came up to me.
I would ZERO out my emotions.
I would ask very simple, but kind of weird questions.
And see how long before they would FLEE.
Part of having a really STRONG frame is knowing that you or nobody else really knows much of ANYTHING.
One simple exercise that can make YOUR frame stronger and more attractive than anybody else’s.
Learn More:
God Frame
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