Hot And Cold
The Sterling engine is an interesting example of many clever ways to transform energy into different forms.
It takes the differential in two chambers of two different temperatures and transforms that into kinetic energy.
There’s an interesting inventor that used a similar technique with a bicycle.
Not So Nice Looking
The bike had a huge tank of water on the bank.
As he coasted to a stop, the water would slosh forward, and transfer some of that kinetic energy to stored spring energy.
Equilibriums can be found all over the place.
Stable equilibrium, and unstable equilibrium.
Closed systems, even large weather systems are always attempt to create a stage of equilibrium.
How Should I Feel?
Whenever you enter into a new situation, your unconscious mind needs to figure out how to feel in that situation.
It checks your memory, and comes back with an emotional response.
Without any re-calibration of this automatic instinctive response, you’ll tend to come up with an anxiety response more often than not.
However, if you slowly recalibrate and specifically program this instinct, you can feel confident in any situation you want.
This requires you first decide how you’d like to feel in any situation.
Pre Frame Your Brain
Then you find a bunch of memories where that feeling already exists.
Then you slowly program yourself, through self hypnosis, to feel that way when you want to.
This is essentially a re-calibration of your hindsight bias and your reverse confirmation bias.
Always Tending Toward Equilibrium
The entire Earth is a closed system.
And this closed system, like a large weather system, is always trying to achieve a state of equilibrium.
Sometimes, though, it goes too far out of equilibrium and everybody dies.
Sometimes Everybody Dies
This is why there have been five mass extinctions in Earth’s history.
And it’s why we are on the verge of another.
Once the guy starts pedaling again, he can use the energy from the sloshing water that has been stored as potential energy in the spring system.
Of course, this is more of an idea thing, than an actual thing.
Efficiency Of Downhill Death
With such a large tank of water on the back of your bicycle, it would be pretty scary going down steep hills, as it would be hard to stop.
Every time you transfer one form of energy into the other, you always lose some energy.
This is why the perfect engine, that doesn’t suffer any losses is theoretically and practically impossible.
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