Products and Markets
In the world of markets, there are things called “evergreen” markets.
Named after trees that are green all year round.
These evergreen markets always have customers.
And any product you create can always be sold to people in these markets.
Other products are only sold around certain times of the year.
Swim wear, down jackets, fruitcakes, etc.
Even more difficult are those people on YouTube who are, essentially, political commentators.
These are very much like the Red Queen.
That lady who said you have to keep running just to stay in place.
Produce Or Die
Because there are so many YouTube “current event commentators” they are in competition.
And every time something “big” happens, they need to quickly come up with a unique spin.
One example of an evergreen market is anything involving communication.
Men and women will ALWAYS want to develop better communication skills.
But not regular communication.
Communication is pretty easy.
Just open your mouth and start talking.
But persuasion, not so much.
People have been writing sales books for decades.
And they will continue to do so.
Skills and Confidence
In a way, all persuasion based books are kind of like weight loss books.
Weight loss books are also evergreen.
Because even if you KNOW how to lose weight, it’s very, very difficult.
Similarly, if you read a fantastic book on any kind of persuasion, it’s very, very difficult.
But NOT like weight loss.
Weight loss will always be difficult.
We humans ALWAYS need to eat.
So eating less than you want is ALWAYS going to be difficult.
No matter how many goofy weight loss scams they come up with, there is NO WAY around the nuts and bolts of weight loss and general health.
Eat LESS than you want to.
Exercise MORE than you want to.
What about communication?
Too Shy To Speak
This is based largely on CONFIDENCE.
Most people have average levels of confidence.
And unless this gets taken care of, all the strategies and theories of communication will be very difficult to put into practice.
This is made even more difficult because we don’t like to admit we lack confidence.
So this is hard to think about and talk about.
But if you CAN manage to address and deal with it, guess what?
Increasing communication will be very, very easy.
Almost like an automatic outcome.
Because if you speak to strangers with obvious confidence, the words won’t matter NEARLY as much.
Now the money question.
One Simple Trick
How can you GET such strong confidence.
So that talking to ANYBODY is easy and fun.
We are, after all, highly social creatures.
So the more social confidence you have, the more you naturally express your true self.
Learn How:
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Mind Persuasion has plenty of books and courses to teach you how to speak hypnotically and persuasively.
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