Drugs and Brains
For every drug you can take, that can give you an interesting mental experience, you have to have a corresponding receptor in your brain.
Drugs, whether they be naturally occurring in nature, or highly synthesized and concentrated in a lab, can only work if they match with a pre-existing receptor site that you already have.
This presents an interesting problem, namely, why do we have so many receptor sites for these drugs that are found growing all over the world?
Bored In Church
Once upon a time, Galileo, as a young boy, was sitting in church.
He was bored, and staring up all the different chandeliers swinging slowly back and forth from the roof.
They all had different lengths, and the size of each was different, and Galileo noticed that they swung at different rates.
This was before time, as concept, had been invented.
Not Much Time
Sure they knew about years and months and days, and maybe morning, midday evening, and night, but nothing beyond that.
Since they had no time, they had no idea about things like frequency, or cycles per second.
Later, of course, once they understood about pendulums and periods enough, they based the idea of time ON these pendulums.
But this event, of Galileo sitting in church and wondering, happened long before the invention of time.
Spiritual Retreat
I met this couple at a spiritual retreat a few months ago.
They gave a talk, and then held a small workshop.
It was for couples, and they taught a sympathetic breathing technique.
It’s very easy, and can give you some amazing benefits.
Surface Level Benefit
But if you practice this, you can get some near magical benefits that go way beyond what most believe is possible.
It involves laying in bed, next to your partner, and breathing slowly together, at the same rate.
You slowly inhale together, and you slowly exhale together.
Just like meditation, you clear your mind and focus only on your breath.
But instead of focusing on your own breath, you focus your two breaths that are in the same frequency.
Breathing Merges
As you start to imagine they are merging into one breath, you fall sleep.
Just this will do wonders for your relationship, but this is only the surface of what is possible.
What really happens is when you go beyond.
I read a very interesting, very mathematically dense article in a science magazine.
Deep Mathematics
I had to read it a few times to make sure I could fully understand this.
When it finally hit me, this was very profound.
What he was describing, or trying to prove, was that in any closed system of biological entities, there is a yet to be found law of nature that requires all biological entities will have an individual resonance.
If you play an F on a violin, it will create the frequency of the F note, but it will create all the overtones that are based on the resonance characteristics for that particular instrument.
Two different instruments which play the same note will sound different because of these overtones.
But humans and other biological organisms are the same.
We have a collection of frequencies which are based on our cyclical based biological systems.
And just like you an do a Fourier analysis on the complex wave from coming out of an instrument to separate out the individual frequencies, you can do a Fourier analysis of the complex wave form coming out of each biological entity to determine the individual frequencies.
Biological Pairs
His theory was that in any closed system, all biological entities must be created in pairs.
Or every entity within a closed has to have an exact match, based on the various frequencies.
This sounded like a very precise, very mathematically defined version of a soul mate, or even a twin flame theory.
He also suggested that this is why it seems intuitively correct in many stories like Noah’s Ark to have pairs of every different animal.
Twin Flames On The Ark
I didn’t quite understand the math, but he explained this in terms of pair frequencies and fractal theory.
She said if you practice like this every night, eventually you’ll be able to hold on to this thought until you fall asleep.
And if you make it past the waking state, and into the dream state, while maintaining a dual breathing focus, you can detach in the dreaming state, yet maintain your connection.
Shared Lucid Dreaming
This will you and your partner to share the same lucid dream.
To become any characters or play any roles you would like, within the dream world where anything is possible.
It didn’t take Galileo long to figure out how to compare the different rates of swinging of the different pendulums.
All he needed was a reference frequency, and he found one.
Heartbeat Clock
He would compare the rates of swinging, for each of the different chandeliers, to his own heartbeat.
Which means, that, very literally, the very first timepiece used to record different frequencies was Galileo’s heart.
One theory is that humans and the plants which create the drugs we have taken evolved simultaneously, a kind of co-evolution found in many places in nature.
Co Evolution
Mostly between insects and plants, but co-evolution can be found in many places.
Like those fish that clean the teeth of sharks, or bees and flowers, or humans and domesticated animals.
Another theory says that long, long ago, there were no different species.
There was just one large and very complex mass of biological material, that split, and then split again, and then split again.
Biological Origin Story
And each time it split, it retained everything about the original, and at the same time, became different.
Which means that the receptor sites in our brains for drugs, and the drugs themselves, were once part of the same large, complex, biological organism.
Which explains some drugs create a euphoric state of oneness.
A deep remembering of when all life forms were one in the same.
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