Need more Twitter followers? By applying some proven technique from psychology, you’ll not only get more followers, but followers that are engaged, and will spread your message.
While these techniques do work, they’ll require a little bit of effort on your part. But if you’re willing to put in twenty or so minutes a day, you can quickly grow your followers, real live followers, who will not only read but retweet your tweets, click your links, and become part of your active audience.
Social Proof
The first thing you’ll need is to build some social proof. Nobody will follow you if you’ve got only three followers. But if you’ve got three thousand followers, they’ll just assume that you’ve got something they want.
This is basically how social proof works. If we see a bunch of people doing something, we’ll want in on the action. It’s pretty simple.
I know what you’re thinking. How do you get social proof if you don’t have any social proof?
Salting The Tip Jar
This concept was covered extensively in Cialdini’s famous book, “Influence,” and in my own Mind Triggers of Influence, and it works like a charm. It’s used by piano players, baristas, casinos, and even The Beatles.
Fans will be much more likely to follow you if you’ve already got fans. How do you get some? Buy some!
A piano player who wants tips knows nobody will put a dollar into an empty tip jar, so he’ll put five bucks of his own in. (Salting the tip jar). Baristas do this at Starbucks. Casinos do this on “cold” tables to generate some action. They get employees to pretend to be players to attract real players.
Even The Beatles were worried they’d be met crickets at JFK, hurting their chances of success, so they hired a bunch of girls to pretend to be screaming fans. (True story).
Where do you buy followers? Fiverr is a great place to start. For five or ten bucks you can get a couple thousand followers to get the ball rolling. Just realize these aren’t real people. These are fake accounts set up just for this purpose. But they will help you get the REAL followers you are after.
This is another mind trigger that gets people to do stuff. The Hare Krisnas, for example, kept begging for money at airports and never got squat. But then they started giving people flowers and BAM the cash started rolling in. So much so that they got busted for tax evasion.
How can you do this? Simply follow people that you’d like to follow you. Sure, a certain percentage won’t follow you back, but a lot will.
Be careful though. If you use software to do this, it could get you banned. It’s best do this on your own. This is part of that “twenty minutes a day” I mentioned earlier.
Just head on over to Twitter, search for keywords in your niche, and follow people who seem to be real people who are making real tweets, and not spamming Twitter with links.
People are much more likely to do what we want if they like us. Makes sense, right? How do we get them to like us? Like them first. In addition to the strategy above, of following people who are in the same type of niche as you, check out some of their posts.
Once you find a couple that are genuinely interesting to you, favorite them. If you want to go the extra mile, send them a direct message, mentioning something they tweeted. Add some more information, give them a link to something you’ve posted that’s similar. Reach out.
This will take maybe a minute per user. If you follow them, favorite one of their posts, and then send then a direct message, they’ll most definitely at least check out your Twitter page. Which brings us to the next point.
People are much more willing to do what people in authority recommend that some homeless guy who reeks of Night Train. So when you set up your Twitter profile, make it look good. Get some quotes about your accomplishments.
One way that’s proven to boost authority is if you’ve got a third party’s endorsement. But here’s the cool part. Studies have shown that the third party’s endorsement still carries a lot of weight even if nobody knows who that third party is.
Now, I’m not saying to make something up, but if you can get somebody, ANYBODY to say some nice things about you as well as highlight your official creds (whatever they might be) this will go a long ways in making you look like a boss.
Commitment and Consistency
We are much more likely to do things that are similar to things we’ve already done. So put a follow button embedded in any posts you’ve got, and then say something like this:
“Because you’ve already read this far, you should definitely continue and follow us on Twitter!”
That way, you’ll apply the slippery slope technique, and get them to naturally follow you while reading your post. It sounds natural, since it’s presented as a natural extension of what they’ve already done.
Follow Wall
If you’ve got some particular popular content, you can put it behind a “Follow Wall,” similar to a share wall. You can only allow the content to be visible to your twitter followers.
Now, this can be hard to do if you’re starting from scratch, but can be very useful once you’ve got the ball rolling.
A great way to hack your way into some viral content is to find a few popular YouTube videos that are related to your niche, and then add some more material, or tie them together in a way that nobody has done yet. This of course, brings to the next mind trigger.
People love Top Ten lists, so you can find ten videos in your niche, and then write a post like this:
“The Top Ten Videos That Prove That The Pope Is Really A Reptilian,” or something.
Even if the videos are only kind of related, you can certainly create a compelling headline, that will draw them in, just to see WTF you’re talking about.
So long as you make your headline “out there” enough, and claim to have some kind of “video proof’ that you’ve scoured through your relentless research, many people will follow you just to find out what the deal is.
Of course, you better come up with something interesting. But one or two posts like this are all you need to start collecting twitter followers on auto pilot.
Summary and Conclusion
Sure, it may take a bit of effort. But you’ll end up with real followers that will give a much better chance of getting some viral traffic to your blog. Which of course, if you’re monetized properly can make you a ton of cash.
Isn’t that worth twenty minutes a day?