Man Among Men
It’s commonly believed that when women go out, they don’t dress up to impress men.
They do so to “compete” with other women.
This is only half true.
The whole truth?
They compete with other women based on who can attract the attention of the highest status guy.
Sure, if they were going to an all girl party, they would still be trying to “outdo” each other.
But dudes do the same thing.
Here is an interesting experiment if you can remember to do it.
Watch a group of guys when there are NO women around.
They’ll be competing in some way.
Who’s got the best put down, the best idea, etc.
Automatic Increase
But as soon as a lady walks in the room, the guys will INSTINCTIVELY kick it up a notch.
The guys competing among themselves when there are no ladies around is JUST LIKE ladies competing among themselves when there are no men around.
This is how are instincts are wired.
From a pure biological level, there are TWO things in any species that are the most important.
Food and sex.
And the instincts that drive human sexual behavior, including all the subtle social competition, is ALWAYS on.
A guy walks into a room and quickly scans it.
Within a few nanoseconds he spots the HOTTEST girl in the place.
This is fairly objective.
The hotness of a woman is based on some pretty standard things.
Her hotness is determined by biological features.
Signs of youth, symmetry, flat stomach, proportional breasts, slim legs, etc.
A lady walks into a room and quickly scans it.
Three Level Scan
She finds the highest STATUS dude in the room.
There are three main differences.
Between how women sort the men, and how men sort the women.
Women sort for status, not objectively, but comparatively.
Always compared to other men.
Two is it’s only a quick read.
Three is she needs more info to verify.
A dude knows everything he needs to know simply by looking.
A lady gets a big clue only by looking, but she needs more info.
Dudes have been competing with other dudes to be chosen by women since the dawn of time.
In the old days, this was done by hunting.
The ladies didn’t need to watch them hunt to know who had status.
How did she know?
How the other men treated the high status men.
And by mostly subconscious behavior.
Competition Results
How do the men determine high status men?
The dude who can do more than other guys can do.
Other guys look at the top dude and think:
“Damn, I wish I could do that!”
Back in the old days, this meant being the most vicious, most intelligent, best strategic killer.
What does it mean today?
The one simple behavior that will get all the MEN looking at you and thinking the same thing.
“Damn, I wish I could do that.”
They’ll notice it.
They ladies will notice them noticing it.
And ALL the ladies will want to be with you.
This is how you OWN the room.
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Harem Generator
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