If you could choose one super power, what would it be?
Long time ago, when I used to teach kids, I would ask this question to prompt discussions. The answers were always entertaining.
Invisibility, ability to fly, time travel, being able to “teleport” from one place to another.
Basically, the same kind of super powers that super heroes have had since time immemorial.
You might say we all have a deep desire within us to break the laws of physics that we are seemingly trapped in so we can more easily get what we want out of life.
After all, having all those super powers would be nice, but what we’re really after is all the cool stuff we could do WITH those super powers.
What would you like to do?
The truth is that you are capable of a lot more than you think you are.
Most of us have been taught since early childhood that it’s better to just keep quite, do what we’re told, and not rock the boat.
While we watch others seemingly break the rules and get a lot more stuff than us.
Is that really fair?
One of the ways you can significantly expand your power, as a human, is to increase you language ability.
Think of all the wonderful ideas, thoughts, imaginations and plans you’ve got inside your head right now as you read this.
How many of those have you adequately been able to express?
If you’re like most folks, the things you say are only a poor representation of the deep richness within.
Every single person on Earth is the same way.
For some reason, our brains can imagine some wonderful things. But our mouths just simply can’t put words to it.
Which means that when you learn how, you’ll have incredible power.
Because within the ability to express your greatness, lies the ability to elicit the greatness from others.
Making you a true super hero.
To learn how, please click the link below: