Super Genius Doctor
There is this therapist that, when she first got her MD, she wanted to be the most successful therapist in the world.
But she wanted to do so without ever having to prescribe any drugs to her patients.
So she invented a very powerful form of deep hypnosis to solve her patient’s problems.
But she became so successful, she could solve their problems in less than half of one regular session.
So she began to playfully experiment in the minds of her patients.
Hot Dog Factory
There is a hot dog factory in the Midwest, a national brand, that is run by the local mob.
Because it’s run by the local mob, they don’t need to pass health inspections, just bribe the health inspector.
Because of that, they have weird contests to see who can bring in the most stray cats to put into their sausage.
Who Stole My Mail?
There is post office worker, a mail carrier, that has a very strange mental condition.
He seems to remember things backward, but only related to his job.
He got a early retirement based on his disability of remembering things in the opposite sequence of how they happened.
Famous Magician
There is a very famous illusionist who is also very accomplished hypnotist.
But not stage hypnotism, the kind of hypnotism where you are paying attention to something and you don’t know you are being hypnotized.
Then an hour or two later, you will have a strange set of memories and you won’t be sure if this is really happening or not.
He wrote a bunch of books, and had them altered to look like regular books from regular publishers.
Sneaking Into The Library
Then he snuck them into libraries around the country, as a kind of secret hobby that nobody knows about this.
And once you finish all these stories, you will have temporary polarity reversal of your thought process.
You’ll remember seeing light come out of a light bulb before you turn on the switch.
Why Am I So Hungry?
You feel satisfied, cook something to eat, and then feel really hungry when you are finished eating.
You’ll feel a fantastic feeling of having had the best sex ever before you meet the person you are going to have sex with.
You’ll watch shows on science and a completely new misunderstanding regarding the order of operations of the laws of nature.
Of course this effect only lasts for a couple of hours.
Where Am I?
Then you’ll return to your normally confused state.
When you think you remember the way things really happened, but then you’ll remember reading or hearing a story about how memory is faulty.
Which is why prosecutors will never prosecute a case where all they have is eyewitness testimony.
Since it’s been proven time and time again that if our memory wasn’t completely untrustworthy, we’d have memories of getting all A’s in school.
You Remember, Right?
Which we don’t.
Which either means we got all A’s, demonstrating true memory, but we can’t remember that.
Or we remember perfectly that we didn’t get all A’s, which means we remember perfectly how we couldn’t remember.
Time For Work
He would leave his house just as the mail was being delivered.
Then he’d put on his mailman uniform, and go around the neighborhood and collect everybody’s mail from their mailbox.
Then he would take it to storage locker that was painted blue on the inside.
Then he would home and have a memory that he still worked at the post office, only the sequence of events would be backward.
It took them while to find him.
I Thought Something Was Funny
Mainly because nobody noticed that their mail had stopped coming for a few months.
Most of they time they bring in cats.
Occasionally they’ll bring in raccoons, foxes, and sometimes some reindeer.
Everything Gets Zapped
Since it all goes through a UV sterilization process, even if they have rabies, it’s all sterilized before they’re all ground up and put into the hot dogs.
Her favorite prank is to de-calibrate people’s cooking and eating experience.
Like somebody will go home, think they are making an omelette, but in reality they’ll be making a grilled cheese.
Why Is My Fork Dirty?
And when they eat the grilled cheese, they’ll think it’s an omelette.
It’s really funny when she does this to a mom.
The kids and husband will come home, ask what’s for dinner, and she’ll say something like fried chicken.
Operational Mechanics
Then she’ll bring out a big bowl of spaghetti and pretend that she’s eating fried chicken.
Even though the mechanics of eating fried chicken is much different from eating spaghetti, nobody really notices.
I think she’s putting in some post hypnotic frame resonance.
So when she is pretending to eat fried chicken, even though she’s eating spaghetti, everybody else just kinds of goes along with it.
Where’d This Chicken Come From?Learn Hypnosis
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