Wanna know how to build incredible attention so your listener and reader will be hanging on very single word?
There’s an easy way that will dramatically increase your response potential to amazing levels, getting your more sales, love and sex than you EVER thought possible…
But first, I need to tell you about this TV show I was watching last night.
There was this guy, see, and he was about to rob this bank. They had everything planned out down to the minutest detail. Except there was one thing they couldn’t work out.
They were about to figure it out when HE came in…
It’s kind of like when you’re in the middle of a conversation, and you’re just about to get to the punch line of your joke, or the climax of your story and suddenly you have another thought.
Like this blog post you’re reading now that is supposedly telling you how to build incredible excitement by starting off one “thread,” getting about halfway through, and then starting another thread.
They discovered this concept by accident when they were studying waiters, and how they had incredible memories of tables that were halfway through their meals.
They could remember customers’ names, what they were eating, drinking, etc.
But when they finished?
POOF! (who were those people anyhow?)
So anyhow, what those bank robbers decided was that instead of robbing the bank, they figured it might be a safer be to short the Yen.
Now, why bank robbers would want to get into currency speculation is anybody’s guess…
Now, on to that technique…
Get it?