What’s Your Story?
Everybody has an origin story.
Individuals, organizations, characters, and societies.
Every society that has ever popped up has had their own unique origin story.
Of who created us, why we are here, and what we are supposed to do.
Dunbar Number
There’s a little known theory in evolutionary psychology regarding something called a monkeysphere, or a Dunbar number.
This is the maximum number of people we can keep in our brains, so we can recognize them and everything about them, when we see them.
This is around 200, and is based on the maximum calories that a group of proto-humans could get from their environment.
The theory is that the amount of undefined desire we have will be inversely proportional to the people in our monkeysphere.
Limited Quantum Numbers
Pauli’s exclusion principle says that no two electrons can have the same quantum numbers within the same atom.
Each atom can hold a maximum number of electrons based on it’s atomic number.
Atoms that have a few open spaces tend to team up with other atoms to make molecules.
Molecules, of course, team up together to create large structures upon which all reality is based on.
Spiritual Origins
An ancient myth that predates all societies holds that once upon a time, all of us were angels, or spiritual beings, or however you like to refer to these things.
And we decided to become humans.
But we wanted to have a deep subconscious memory of our spiritual nature.
But because we wanted to maximize our human experience, we wanted to make our spiritual nature very hard, if not impossible to access as humans.
Burning Desire
So we did this by creating a deep and never ending desire.
This desire will always exist in an undefined state.
And our job as humans is to define the satisfaction of this unending desire that satisfies our most highest self.
This idea in itself is not defined.
Up To Us To Define
We can satisfy this unlimited desire in unhealthy ways, by finding more interesting ways to pass the time and outsource our thinking.
We can satisfy this unlimited desire in healthy ways, where we learn more, discover more, build more, and experience more.
But because this desire is hidden deep within our purposely created human biases, it’s very easy to pretend.
Self Deception
Very easy to deceive ourselves.
Perhaps because in our natural, ancient spiritual selves, we understood and knew everything.
And in our human state, we will continuously be driven to learn and understand more.
But because this is hidden beneath our biases and our ego, it’s very easy to convince ourselves we are discovering more, when in reality we are doing the same thing over and over, only under a different label.
Particles to Atoms
All subatomic particles seem driven to form into atoms.
All atoms seem driven to from molecules.
Molecules seem driven to form into higher and higher organizational structures.
It would seem that we may be in the middle of a long oscillation between opposing entropy states.
Just like we may be in the middle of a long oscillation between opposing spiritual states.
Economies of Scale
From a purely economic point of view, a large tribe of 200 people would be most efficient, so long as the environment could support the daily calories of 200 people.
So if you have less than 200 people in your monkeysphere, you will have a deep desire to expand your monkeysphere to maximum levels of efficiency.
An interesting way that the origin story is expressed through Christianity is by both New Testament books by John.
In The Beginning Was The Word
One is the Gospel of John, which is the ultimate origin story.
About the word becoming flesh.
The other is the Book of Revelation, also by John, about the end times.
Self Reflection
Perhaps our desire for an origin story, in the past, as humans, reflects our ultimate purpose, in the future, as spiritual beings.
Or perhaps this is a function of our self reflective, biological self awareness.
We aware of ourselves, and we are aware that we are aware.
Or perhaps there is something much deeper here, that we only meant to want to understand this.
But not ever understand this.
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