There’s one secret ingredient in ALL communication, whether you’re closing a million dollar contract or simply stopping somebody on the street to ask for the time.
Do this one thing, and everything will be a million times easier. Don’t do this one thing, and no matter how many advanced language patterns and subtle techniques of covert hypnosis you’ve got in your bag of tricks, you’ll still come up short.
What’s the thing?
Yea, yea, I know. Everybody’s heard of rapport. It’s so obvious and common sense that nobody needs to bother reading about it, right?
Well, when you consider how INFREQUENT even the most seasoned six figure salespeople use this magical technique, you may want to quiet down that little “oh, I already know THAT” voice in your head.
The think about persuasion, NLP, and all the other language techniques you can learn is that understanding them, “being taught” them or “being trained” in is entirely different than MASTERING them on an unconscious level.
For example, if you went to a two week seminar on Kung Fu, and all the Kung Fu masters in the world showed you all the advanced Kung Fu moves, and you even practiced them with partners, would you consider yourself a master of Kung Fu?
What would happen if you came up against a vicious street fight, using your “Oh I’ve been TRAINED in Kung Fu” skills?
You’d wonder what happened as you woke up in the hospital, that’s what!
So unless you take the time, again, and again and again, to put these skills into practice, you’re really no different from some guy who thinks he’s a Kung Fu master because he watched a bunch of training videos on YouTube.
Luckily, the most important skill, rapport, is the easiest to learn, and the easiest to practice.
If ALL you did was master the powerful art of rapport, you’d be light years ahead of all the other clowns there telling everybody that they’re been “trained” in NLP by some world class guru.
What is rapport? Match THEIR model of the world, any way you can.
The way the they speak. They rate at which they speak. The way they sit, stand or walk. The rep system they use (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, etc). Their voice tone. Things that they are perceiving around them.
How do you practice? Easy. Find a target, and match their model of the world.
As much as you can. You don’t even have to speak with them. It can be somebody across the room, or even somebody on TV.
Just match their exterior model of the world, and their interior model of the world, as much as you can.
THEN, (and only then) when you use the powerful language patterns found in Covert Hypnosis, will you be able to effortlessly persuade them.
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