Since Forever
What is hypnosis?
There are plenty of kinds.
What is likely the two most common kinds are movie hypnosis and highway hypnosis.
Movie hypnosis can also be described as storytelling hypnosis.
When you are watching a movie, or reading a book, or watching an episode of your favorite TV show.
You fall into a kind of trance, a very enjoyable trance.
The entire “storytelling” industry is way up in the billions.
The movie industry, TV industry, novel and graphic novel industry, AND the serial drama type video game industry.
All of these serve a very necessary, compelling and enjoyable instinct.
To more or less turn off your brain, and be taken on a journey.
Highly Refined
This is probably the most ancient from of hypnosis.
Every since the dawn of time, until the printing press was invented, stories were essentially passed down through what they call the “oral tradition.”
If you’re Jewish, or know somebody who is, they still practice this ancient from of storytelling.
At Passover, a yearly Jewish tradition, a kid is supposed to ask:
Why is this night different?
Then the story is told.
The ancient story of how the Jews fled Egypt.
The parting of the Red Sea and all that other good stuff.
Another kinds of hypnosis are stage hypnosis and direct hypnosis.
Stage hypnosis the same kind of state of mind, but it’s created by a much different collection of external events.
Guide My Imagination
Direct hypnosis is a pre-agreed upon, mutually created hypnosis.
Usually a trained therapist is talking, and the patient is voluntarily following along.
Then there is Ericksonian Hypnosis.
The kind invented by Dr. Milton Erickson.
A modified version of storytelling hypnosis.
Many modern stories are mere pass times.
But old school oral tradition storytelling was instructional.
Consider the hero’s journey story, discovered by Joseph Campbell.
The mono-myth based on his discovery that all myths from all cultures share a very common structure.
What is that structure?
The best example is the very first Star Wars.
With Luke and friends vs. The Death Star.
Done Deliberately
Why this movie, in particular?
Because George Lucas hired Joseph Campbell to help him write it.
Imagine this same structure in an ancient cave setting.
What would be the purpose?
Perhaps to implant a post hypnotic suggestion.
What suggestion?
Maybe this one:
When you see a big animal, you will not feel fear.
You will feel a huge surge of heroic confidence, kill it and save your tribe from starvation.
Here’s an even deeper idea.
One Trance To Rule Them All
All of these methods, all the different kinds of techniques, create the same mindset of hypnosis.
What if there was a very easy way to create this mindset in others, conversationally?
Without needing to worry about the words?
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