Up And Over
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Napoleon Hill came up with the phrase “burning desire.”
This sounds like a law of attraction, mumbo jumbo kind of thing.
But it’s really a mechanical idea.
I used to be a pole vaulter.
Back in high school.
I sucked at it, but it was fun.
Pole vaulting is a good metaphor.
The goal, of course, is to get OVER the bar.
This is not easy.
It’s not purely about strength or endurance or speed.
Sprinting, long distance running, long jump, these are more about sheer strength and force of will.
But to get up and over a ten foot bar, it’s not so easy.
You need to sprint, hold the pole correctly so it bends, and manipulate it so you can catapult yourself up and over the bar.
All the while moving your body around efficiently.
Finesse Your Way
Your body weighs a certain amount.
It takes a certain amount of energy to get your body up ten plus feet in the air.
You take your forward momentum, push it into the bar, so it becomes stored energy, and then as the stored energy is released, you catapult yourself over the bar.
Not easy.
Which is why I sucked at it.
So, what does this have to do with Napoleon Hill?
Think of something you want.
Now think of all the costs it might take to get it.
Of the emotional strength of your desire is STRONGER than the emotional strengths of costs, you’ll get it.
So the stronger your desire is, the easier it will be to get the stuff.
So when he referred to a BURNING DESIRE, he meant a really, really, strong desire.
A desire strong enough to power you through the consistent trial and error learning process.
Getting anything good takes time, effort, risk, learning and patience.
Desire Economics
If all those costs “cost” about fifty units of emotional energy, your desire HAS to be stronger than those fifty units.
But most people these days want the stuff without paying the costs.
Or we imagine getting stuff without really FEELING the costs.
Sure we’d all LOVE to have a six pack.
But doing all the work and paying all the costs to get one is a different story.
Sure we’d all LOVE to be in a fantastic relationship with a fantastic person.
But very, very few of us are willing to do the work to make that happen.
This is why most people will always want, but never get.
You can however, work in BUILDING your desire.
This is kind of like saving money for something you can’t yet afford.
Once you’ve saved up enough money, buying what you want is easy.
Once you’ve built up your desire, getting what you want is easy.
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