I saw the new trailer for the new Superman movie yesterday, and a couple of quotes jumped out.
One was the voice of Superman, saying, “I’m afraid if the world knows who I truly am, they’ll reject me.”
The other voice was from Superman’s father, saying, “Your life’s mission is to discovery who you truly are, and share that with the world.”
One of the reasons stories like Superman, other super hero stories and pretty much all of mythology are so popular and so popular is because they resonate with us on a deep level.
Joseph Campbell described the “Hero’s Journey” as some poor chump being thrust into some kind of new world or experience, way over his head, pretty much forcing him to step up his game.
Obviously, we can resonate with this on a deep level, because that’s a pretty good description for life.
We’re thrust into all these situations, not really by choice, and it’s pretty much sink or swim.
The “Hero,” is you.
And just like Superman, we all fear that if people really knew who we were, they’d reject us. But also like Superman, we’ve got to make it our life’s mission to find out who we really are, so we can share out truth with the world.
One of the things that holds us back is false beliefs. False beliefs about ourselves, the world around us, and our capabilities.
What if you could destroy those beliefs, and unlock who you really are? What if you found out that when the world finally finds out who you really are, they won’t reject you, but embrace you?
What if you truly found out that your truth was so magnificent that it was beyond human comprehension?
What would you be able to do then?
Luckily, there’s a set of language patterns that can help. They’ll guide you in going through those false beliefs (e.g. “I’m not good enough, I’m not capable enough, etc) and destroying them like Superman puts a beat down on the bad guys.
Naturally, these can also be used conversationally to obliterate sales objections, making it easier than ever to persuade people to your way of thinking. Giving you even more power.
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