Ideal Interaction
Most folks would kind of admit that the ideal relationship is where the man leads and the women follows.
This is how it’s been for a long time.
But this is based on the structure of primitive life.
Not any kind of “should” idea.
But the structure of calorie acquisition.
Way back in the day, we lived in small tribes.
Fifty people or so.
A group of fifty people need 100,000 calories per day.
Imagine a gigantic animal that needs 100,000 calories per day.
Not a lot of ways to get that many calories.
The best way is to eat another animal.
Like a modern steer has about a million calories.
But since modern food animals a have been bred to have a lot of meat, ancient animals had less.
So, let’s imagine something like a buffalo that had many half a million calories.
Gotta Kill
Five days worth of food for a tribe of 50 people.
Meaning they’d have to take down a buffalo every five days.
If they couldn’t do that, everybody would starve.
So the hunters would NEED to follow the buffalo.
And everybody else (if they wanted to eat) HAD to follow the men.
Including, of course, the women.
This was NOT optional back in the day.
Today it IS optional.
If you’re a modern dude and you’re upset that women aren’t following you, that doesn’t mean women are doing anything wrong.
They don’t NEED to follow you like they needed do back in the caveman days.
What’s the solution?
Everything’s Optional
You have to behave in a way that makes her WANT to follow you.
And it has to be HER decision.
Now, “follow you” isn’t literal.
She’s not going to follow you around everywhere and wait for you to tell her what to do.
Modern women following men is much more metaphorical.
It means she’ll be more likely to let you do the heavy thinking, and make the tough decisions.
She WANTS to follow a man, because her instincts tell her men must lead.
Most men today don’t lead.
Which is why most women don’t follow.
This is going to be a horrible metaphor, but here we go:
Nothing Is Magic
If you bought a puppy and NEVER trained it, and it peed on your carpet, whose fault is that?
Most men and most women operate today from a mindset of people “should” do something.
If you bought a puppy and only imagined that “dogs shouldn’t pee on the carpet” you end up in a very smelly house.
If you think women “should” follow, “just because,” you’re going to be lonely.
You MUST go first.
And you MUST be “follow-able.”
And since very few men today are “follow-able” you’ll have your pick of beauties.
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