A lot of people say movies aren’t realistic.
There are a couple of problems with this critique.
One is they don’t need to be realistic.
At least from a free market perspective.
People make movies.
People buy movies.
Movies provide a value to people.
For many, that value is a series of emotions they won’t otherwise feel.
Particularly melodramatic romance stories.
You can’t exactly experience the emotions of falling in love every day.
So, for many that enjoy those sappy movies, there are many legitimate reasons beyond needing them to be “realistic.”
Unhappy Metaphors
There is a much, much deeper problem with that label.
That label of them not being “realistic.”
This implies the main ingredient of a movie is for it to be realistic.
As if movies are supposed to validate what we think about the world.
But what if movies aren’t supposed to be realistic?
This isn’t really a grammatically accurate label.
“Supposed to be.”
Saying movies are “supposed to be” realistic is kind of like saying food is “supposed to be” healthy.
They guy making and selling the food ONLY CARES what sells.
Market Pressure
The people buying the food all have their own reasons.
And for most people who buy food, “health” is the least of their concerns.
But back to that issue of “supposed to be.”
“Supposed to be” according to who?
Way back in the day, stories were told around the campfire.
And believe it or not, this was still a “free market” for storytelling.
Old dudes who tell stories to young kids.
When those young kids grew up, they re-told those stories to the new generation.
Now, how, exactly did they decide WHICH stories to retell?
How to retell them?
Was their some imaginary story god in the sky telling them how they were “supposed to” retell the stories?
Free Style
Probably not.
They re-told the stories they LIKED the most.
They re-told the stories they ENJOYED the most.
They re-told the stories that HELPED THEM the most.
Helped them how?
When they were faced up against a huge animal they had to kill.
If they didn’t kill it, everybody would starve.
They get got killed by it, well, they’re dead.
But if they DID kill it?
Rock star sex party for the killer.
Self Made
Consider that they re-told the stories that best HELPED THEM to live their lives.
Stories that had the best heroes.
The most inspiring heroes.
Here’s the best part.
Suppose you watch a few movies, looking for inspiration.
For a few role models you can imagine helping you in times of need.
And you find most movies lacking today.
What then?
Make up some of your own.
Spend some time building your dreaming muscle.
Create a FANTASTIC future for your life, and imagine it a few years out.
And let THAT be your motivation pulling you forward.
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