One Direction
They say a dog can’t chase two rabbits.
A metaphor for having two intentions.
This is somewhat like when Tom Cruise was getting the crap kicked out of him in the movie, “The Lasts Samurai.”
Then a little kid give him some advice.
“You have too many minds.”
That he was over-thinking.
Once upon a time, a town in ancient China needed some protection.
Similar to a lot of Westerns, and the movie, “The Seven Samurai.”
Some poor villagers knew there were some bad guys coming so they hired some protection.
In the Chinese version, they could only afford to hire an old Kung Fu master.
The old Kung Fu master said that he was too old to do any good.
But he would find and train somebody.
This would require he hand out with and interact with people.
After doing so, he found a guy.
The guy who worked in the local tea shop.
The reason he chose him was he had pure focus.
When he poured the tea, he could tell that was the ONLY thing in the world.
Pouring the tea.
One Direction
The opposite of a dog chasing two rabbits or somebody getting the crap kicked out of them for having too many minds.
Today, most people have short attention spans.
Far too many things competing for their attention.
And not nearly “enough” delayed gratification.
When want EVERYTHING, and we want it now.
And if anything doesn’t stay pegged on 100 percent pleasure, we get bored, ditch it and find the next shiny object to entertain our nanosecond attention spans.
So when it comes to complex things like decent relationships or decent money making opportunities, we are pretty helpless.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Believe it or not we are calibrated to be like the tea pouring guy.
The guy with massive focus.
Driven To Focus
Way back in the day, nobody needed to jump from idea to idea.
You could focus ONLY on one thing, and that would satisfy everybody.
All the dudes dreamt of being the best killer.
All the ladies dreamt of attracting the best killers.
The old dudes dreamt of being the best teachers or storytellers.
So long as everybody focused ONLY their “job” the whole tribe was happy.
Every produced, everybody consumed.
Nobody was left behind, or left out or worried about what to do.
Today, it CAN be that way.
It won’t be automatic.
It does take a bit of calibration.
But once you find your “purpose” the thing you are SUPPOSED to do, everything else will fall into place.
Let all the other goofs run around with two second attention spans chasing every shiny object they can find.
You can fire up your ancient money instinct and clean up.
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Money Brain
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