Watch The Hemlock
Socrates was famous for proving that everything anybody knew was false.
He would create rapport, and then carefully ask targeted questions to get more and more information about the beliefs of his conversational partner.
It wouldn’t take long for him to extract enough ideas from their brains that they could cancel each other out like parts of an algebra equation.
It turns that the only way we can believe that anything is true is if we purposely do not pay attention to these parts that disprove these other parts.
Of course, this is all fine and dandy if it’s kind of a personal hobby.
Don’t Be A Dick
But once Socrates started to teach this to other people, they government didn’t like that.
Not one bit.
So they made him drink hemlock.
There’s a cool trick with a pendulum that you can use to determine a congruent answer to a yes or no question you can ask yourself.
Pendulum Calibration
You first have to calibrate the pendulum.
But once you calibrate your congruent mind body yes no answer, you can fire away.
For long time, especially during the cold war, the CIA was busily developing a kind of truth serum.
It didn’t work out the way they wanted it to.
Non Truth Serum
Because it turns out that there really is no such thing as truth.
All it did was to get people to reveal whatever was on their mind.
But as soon as the Soviets knew the CIA had this, they just programmed their agents with false information.
This, of course, would suck being a trained Soviet agent.
Heads Filled With Lies
You would be trained, and your head would be filled with false information.
Everything you knew would be false, knowing you’d be captured and give up all this false information.
But it turned out that the CIA truth serum had a much more powerful unexpected benefit.
One that is still being used today.
It might even be operating in your body this very minute.
Your Brain Filled With Mush
There is a very easy to use hypnotic technology that will do the same thing.
A very easy to use system of covert hypnosis.
It’s based on the idea that most communication is non verbal.
Everybody Already Knows This
This, of course, is old news.
But it’s one of those things we say over and over without really understanding what this means.
But this is very literally true.
The words we do use are not very important at all.
Train In This Valuable Skill
And when you train yourself to use this type of covert hypnosis, you’ll never need to worry about words again.
You can train your mind to focus only on the non-verbal communication.
Which will allow you to inject ideas directly into their mind.
Thoughts and desires and fantasies of whatever you want.
Deep Undercover
All the while, the surface structure language will take care of themselves.
It turns out for most people, most of the time, the surface structure communication is just a hallucination anyway.
The words we say, the words we listen to, are only imagined.
It’s very easy to tune your mind so these words sound like nonsense.
Words and ideas are things that are only thought up after the facts don’t really matter is just another form of energy.
Words Speak Themselves
But when you can learn to speak congruently on the subconscious level, a whole new world of persuasion and influence will open up.
This is precisely what the CIA found.
That this truth serum is pretty useless once they found all the KGB agents were just giving up everything, which turned out to be false information.
But what they also discovered, is when you give somebody truth serum, this opens a window into their mind.
You’ll Forget This
For easy programming they won’t remember.
Easy programming that will make you obey this and not remember this.
And once they discovered how to do this, how to apply this, the collapse of the Soviet Union was not far behind.
But the bad news is once the CIA collapsed the Soviet Union using this very advanced form of truth serum brainwashing, they started putting our food supply.
Hidden In Corn Sugar
The chemical structure is very easy to hide within the structure of high fructose corn sugar.
Which is why they started putting high fructose corn sugar in all our food shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Which is why Americans are so obedient.
Every night while watching TV, there are tons of CIA created subliminal programming during the regular commercials.
Nightly Programming
And since this will create complete amnesia, nobody really remembers.
Of course, the CIA controls YouTube which is why most of the more popular YouTubers are embedding CIA backed subliminal messages in their videos.
Once you calibrate your yes no response with your pendulum, you ask yourself a question.
This won’t predict the future, but you will get a very congruent response about what you think you should do.
Pendulum Unlocks Learning
Most people make bad decisions because they are purposely shutting off part of their mind body system.
But once you use the pendulum test, you can make much more congruent decisions.
This will create a much more organic feedback system.
Which will rapidly accelerate your learning in any field.
Pendulum Money Making
Like investing in financial markets, for example.
That they killed Socrates is a clear indication that he was on to something.
If he was teaching people that two plus two is five, then nobody would have bothered.
But if you teach people to prove that nothing is true, this is very, very dangerous for the people in charge.
Because if everybody suddenly wakes up and realizes that nothing is true, this presents a problem for any organized society.
Everything Is A Lie
If everybody wakes up an realizes that this is all a hallucination, that is very bad for an organized society.
But if you do decide to look between these words, just be very careful.
Because when you truly see this, it’s hard to go back to normal.
Learn Hypnosis
Mind Persuasion has plenty of books and courses to teach you how to speak hypnotically and persuasively.
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Mind Persuasion Courses
$5 Subliminal Programs