Boring Riches
Warren Buffet once said that if you are having a good time making money, you’re doing it wrong.
That making money should be boring.
A daily grind.
But for some reason, we all believe that making money or getting the hottest girls or guys is some kind of secret.
And once we understand that secret, the heavens will open and the light of universal whatever-power will shine down upon us.
And the rest of our lives will be lived in permanent bliss and money and sex and eternal happiness.
This is a fantasy.
A very nice fantasy, but a fantasy.
Consider this harsh truth.
Everything you can ever get in life, money, sex, fame, recognition must come FROM other people.
Ditch The Anger
And it will require working WITH other people.
And every single one of those people have their own dreams and fantasies and ambitions.
This means that the most common “idea” needs to be ejected from your brain.
Any idea that involves blaming other people.
Or being angry at other people.
Or thinking that other people are “unworthy” in some way.
This is the harsh truth about money and sex and fame.
You CAN absolutely get those things.
But they can only come AFTER you satisfy plenty of other people’s needs and desires.
And their desires and needs are based on THEIR subjective opinions.
This is perhaps the most debilitation modern mindset.
The opposite of that.
Everybody wants something from other people.
But everybody seems to think they SHOULD get it BECAUSE they want it.
This is very naive, and very childish.
Children think that BECAUSE they want something, they SHOULD get it.
And unfortunately, many adults feel the same way today.
Stand Out
Nobody believes they need to do any work FIRST.
Nobody believes that need to understand what others want FIRST.
Nobody thinks that they need to PROVIDE what others want FIRST.
But if you can eject these “me-first” ideas, you can get whatever you want.
It’s not magic.
It’s not metaphysics or law of attraction mumbo jumbo.
It is human nature.
Ancient instincts.
All the dudes way back in the caveman times who got the MOST love and adoration from the tribe knew this.
Produce First
They knew they had to get out in the wild and kill something first, and they would get the rewards later.
Back then, everything was calibrated.
The ONLY thing they needed to do was to kill a big animal.
Because food was the only thing people needed back then.
Today everybody’s wants and needs are infinitely different and infinitely unlimited.
Which means you have a lot more flexibility.
But also a lot more responsibility.
Not only to figure out what they want, but to go first.
But if you can do these two things, everything you want WILL come as a response.
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Future Architect
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