Modern Trainwreck
One idea of modern education is that it is a training system.
Or a teaching system.
Sure, if you asked all the people involved, that’s what they’d say.
But in reality, it was “modeled” after a system that was similar, but not meant for teaching.
More for sorting.
You put thousands of kids through this system.
The ones that breeze through without much difficulty are the “cream of the crop.”
They get the intellectual jobs.
The one that muscle their way through, but don’t get top marks, they are the “skilled labor.”
The ones that can’t even muscle their way through, they become the unskilled labor.
Another way to look at the modern educational system is from the “who benefits” model.
Cui Bono?
The teachers benefit.
Sure teaching is plenty frustrating.
But if you are in college, and you don’t know what to do with your life, becoming a teacher is a pretty good “back up plan.”
Yes, this idea would make teachers very angry.
But teaching has a pretty low entry.
And if you stop teaching for ten years, you could get right back in.
Not a lot of jobs will let you do this.
Another group that benefits from the teaching industry is the unions.
They control a HUGE amount of money.
Which gives them tons of political power.
Another group that benefits is the huge corporations.
For them, the school system is essentially a free farm team.
They get the top 5% of students without having to pay anything.
Another group is parents.
This idea won’t be very popular, but here it is.
For many parents, the school system is essentially a 12 year day care system.
Not Party Conversations
All of these ideas aren’t very friendly.
And if you are a decent student, and a decent parent, you certainly CAN work the system in your favor.
For for most, it’s a kind of factory.
Ideally, schools would teach kids very basic skills, and then it would be up to the kids, their families, etc. to find how to further enhance those skills for their chosen career.
But since the educational system has TONS of ways it can be leveraged for the benefit of large entities (governments, corporations, unions, etc.) it is.
It wasn’t always this way.
Modern education is a very, very recent invention.
Yet at the same time, humans have ALWAYS been learning.
The modern educational system is an ATTEMPT to copy the natural human learning instinct.
Tens Of Thousands Years
One that is ALWAYS available.
So if you didn’t have a good time in school, or you’d like to learn things in a much better way, you can.
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