Everything Costs Something
A lot of things in life are inherently unpleasant, but necessary.
This is the cost of being a human.
Even way back in the days of hunter gatherers, we had to work for a living.
If you didn’t kill, you didn’t eat.
The better of a killer you were, the more status you got.
Everybody needs a couple thousand calories per day.
And recently killed animal meat doesn’t say edible for a long time.
So if you took down a buffalo all by yourself, you couldn’t eat it all by yourself.
It’s not like buying a crapton of meat when it’s half price and keeping it in the freezer in your garage.
This is why the ONLY option was to share your kill with everybody else.
But this wasn’t out of the kindness of your heart.
This was for what you got in exchange.
Recognition, respect, admiration, and status.
If you were on the top killers in the tribe, consistently, people would ALWAYS look at you with admiration.
Old School Status
And everybody would see everybody looking at you with admiration and respect.
This would drive female attraction for you.
This was a very, very simple system.
Whoever was the most productive got most of the status and most of the sex.
Every dude competed to be the top producer.
The OUTCOME of this was plenty of food for everybody.
All grateful for the top killers.
This instinct still lives in everybody today.
Every dude has deep dreams of doing great things to get great rewards.
But at the same time, this instinct misfires.
Mainly because most of us have very short attention spans.
Most of us have very little ability to delay gratification.
Fast Food Love
So we end up chasing not REAL status, like our ancestors did, but fake, superficial and very short term status.
This makes us more or less like how the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland described.
Needing to keep running just to stay even.
Short term status is like that.
Kind of like eating donuts instead of healthy food.
The donut tastes good while you eat it.
And it gives you a sugar rush, which makes you feel good.
But then you get a drop in blood sugar and feel like crap.
And soon you’ll crave another donut.
On the other hand, consider eating healthy food.
And leveraging your body’s fat system.
Build fat during good times.
Burn fat during lean times.
Long Term Always Wins
This is much more of a long term strategy.
Most dudes today, most ladies today, are playing the donut status game.
Short term sugar rush.
A few people are playing the long term status game.
Where status is NOT chased directly.
It is a natural OUTCOME of your accomplishments.
So the respect and admiration is real.
Ditch the donut status and build real status, based on real accomplishments, and you will be living your purpose.
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