Skinning Cats
There are a lot of ways to build persuasion confidence.
Persuasion as in sales.
Persuasion as in seduction.
Persuasion as in getting your ideas generally accepted.
This can be difficult, and frustrating.
The standard way is to just get in the game.
Slowly improve your successes.
Purposely and deliberately reference your successes rather than failures.
This takes a lot of brainpower.
A lot of trial and error.
A lot of time.
Observation Platform
It’s much easier to hang out on the sidelines.
It’s very comfortable.
There are a lot of people, so you’ll have a lot of social proof.
And because the sidelines are so crowded, this creates a big enough market.
Gurus, booksellers and YouTube goofs that tell you why it’s NOT your fault that you can’t get laid, or sell things, or make money.
This can be referred to as the trifecta of DOOM.
The internal externalizing instinct.
Our go to response to problems.
We fail, we blame our environment.
Combine this with social proof (all the guys on the sidelines) and authority (the gurus with complex psychological theories about why the world is broken) and you CAN be trapped there forever.
Inside Or Outside?
Or, you can use this SAME message structure, social proof and authority.
YOU are the authority.
The social proof is your audience.
The message is simple.
The message is actually the least important.
You can cobble together a bunch of self help second hand ideas.
Don’t think so?
Find a guru on YouTube.
A famous guru that is speaking in front of a live audience.
One where the audience is screaming and hollering like crazy.
First watch the speech and pay attention to the energy.
Words Are Superfluous
Next, only pay attention to the words.
Not how they are said, but ONLY the words.
Chances are, they’ll be pretty simple.
Basic self help stuff said a bunch of different ways.
How do they do this?
The same way YOU can do this.
Once you start speaking to a group, the twin instincts of authority and social proof take over.
When we are in the presence of an authority figure we turn off our brains.
When we are in a large group, we turn off our brains.
And once you have a few experiences of BEING the authority, it will forever change how you feel about yourself.
Never Look Back
About your power.
In fact, you can separate all humanity into two groups.
Those who feel comfortable DOMINATING from the stage.
And whose who don’t.
Those who have a few experiences, in their brain, of dominating from the stage, see the world much, much differently.
Easy persuasion.
Easy seduction.
Easy money.
Learn How:
Stage Game
Learn Hypnosis
Mind Persuasion has plenty of books and courses to teach you how to speak hypnotically and persuasively.
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Mind Persuasion Books
Mind Persuasion Courses
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$9 Hypnosis Programs