Mass Hysteria
A weird phenomenon that pop ups now and again is the idea of mass hysteria.
It’s one thing if an individual has some kind of hallucination.
And this hallucination is significantly different than reality.
Eventually you’ll find out that this hallucination is false.
Hallucination Resonance
But when you get a bunch of people sharing this hallucination, then you’ve got social proof, and it can start to spin out of control.
We all have biases, and biases are generally thought to be a bad thing.
As if they are inefficiencies or imperfections in our thinking process.
But our brains evolved to be hallucination machines that served as means to an end, namely of getting necessary food and hopefully reproducing.
Reason For Biases
So having biases makes sense under this scenario.
For example, a common bias is hindsight bias.
This makes us remember things much differently than they actually happened.
But in a way that tends to over emphasize the amount of control we had in situations that popped up unexpectedly.
It would make sense thinking we are more in charge of our destiny than we really are would be a beneficial trait.
Reagan and Satan
During the 80’s, there was a nationwide belief in satanic rituals.
This popped up, lasted for a few years, and then died down.
Nobody really knows why, but suddenly all this criminal cases involving satanic rituals were happening all over the place.
What were regular, run of the mill crimes, were being hallucinated as intricate satanic rituals that started to really freak people out.
Young women were having memories of being raped repeatedly.
They Ate My Baby
Of being forced to carry their baby to completion.
Of using it in a satanic ritual where everybody took part in eating the newly born baby alive.
The idea of post hypnotic suggestions is pretty widely misunderstood.
Mainly because of the silliness of movie hypnosis.
Post Hypnotic Commands
Like the hypnotist will give you a command that every time you hear you’re name, you’ll think about buying a pogo stick.
Or every time you see a green vegetable, you’ll immediately see evidence of the quadratic equation in nature.
Or every time you pass by a park, you’ll have an unquenchable desire to eat a peanut butter and bacon sandwich.
But in real life, post hypnotic suggestions are much more boring.
Somebody’s Gotta Help
They require the participating of the subject.
This has to be something the subject wants to do.
And they take a lot longer to implant.
So that these helpful post hypnotic suggestions will become permanent.
Like every time you see an attractive person, you’ll automatically feel confident and outgoing.
Public Speaking Confidence
Every time you stand up in front of a crowd to speak, you’ll suddenly feel a flood of charisma and personal magnetism.
Every time you see your alarm clock, you’ll have this absolute burning desire to wake up and exercise at the crack of dawn.
Every time you see a writing utensil, you’ll feel an overwhelming love of, and unquenchable desire to practice writing out and solving trigonometry equations.
Of course, they are some very advanced techniques in both sales hypnosis and seduction hypnosis.
Seduction Power
To covertly implant post hypnotic suggestions.
But these have to be built over time, rather than stated.
But they will have the same overall impact of directly given post hypnotic suggestions.
Like every time you hear my voice, you will want to buy everything I sell.
Whenever you remember anything about me, you will have an overwhelming sexual and romantic desire.
Satan and the Judicial System
What is most troubling about the satanic hysteria is some cases when all the way through the judicial system.
And once you have case that goes through the judicial system, the Cialdini law of commitment and consistency suddenly becomes an issue.
It is very, very difficult for humans to reverse an opinion that has been stated publicly.
And when you have a judge and a jury decide that three kids committed some murderous, satanic act, even when there is not much evidence, there are many psychological factors involved.
One Way Decisions
The social proof and authority of the judge and the jury and all the local townspeople.
The us vs. them, or Christians vs. Satan, if the trial takes place in a strongly Christian community.
This is why when somebody is convicted, even if their is plenty of evidence proving otherwise, it takes a ton of effort and a lot of time, to reverse the conviction.
Where’d These Witches Come From?
Probably one of the most famous case of mass hysteria is the Salem Witch trials.
A small community of people with a ton of variables.
Slightly different religions, land ownership, competition for political power.
But all the biases of all the citizens somehow coalesced in a mass hysteria where they thought a bunch of people were practicing witchcraft, and the only solution was to hang them all.
Why Did This Happen?
There are only two answers to why this happened.
One is because they were actual witches, which is difficult to believe.
Two is that everybody just hallucinated a bunch of evidence that didn’t exist, yet believed in it strongly enough to kill a bunch of innocent people.
Both Are Insane
Also which is difficult to believe.
It’s hard to believe that humans are rational, logical thinking creatures when these random hallucinations can pop up and essentially make everybody go insane and start killing people.
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