Girl At The Gym
So I’ve been talking to this girl at my gym recently. Sometimes we end up next to each other on the bicycle or the stair climber.
One of the reasons I started talking to her because she’s one of the rare people that goes to the gym and doesn’t have earbuds in her ears all the time. She seems to be capable of just relaxing without having a blast her brain with music to keep herself from getting bored.
When she was a little kid she always wanted to be a veterinarian when she grew up. She graduated high school she tried to get into vet schoole but she found out that that was very very difficult. So she decided to get a degree in biology at a regular University and become a vet tech while she tried again.
Doing Is Different Than Imagining
But then when she became a vet tech she realized she didn’t really enjoy being a vet nearly as much as she thought she would have when she was a little kid. It turns out being a little kid and wanting to be a vet is different than actually being that.
You get up in the real world and you have to deal with patients and customers in all kinds of headaches to deal with at the office. It becomes a lot less romantic so she decided to get her massage therapy license.
She did that and she worked at one of those big chains for a couple of years. She built up her technique, her client base and then she decided she wanted to open up her own shop. This is kind of where she is right now.
Borrow Money To Get It Going
She just borrowed a lot of money to open her own shop and she’s in the process of building up a new client base. One of the things she wants to do she wants to expand her range of services that she offers and so in order to to do that she needs to learn a lot more. Learn more things that can help other people.
One of the interesting things she learned recently is this technique on eliminating negative beliefs. All of us have tons of negative beliefs and essentially these negative beliefs are formed when we are very young when some event happens.
We come up with a belief about our world that is kind of developed to protect us from some kind of perceived harm the problem. As we grow up and we carry that belief about the world around us even though our environment has changed.
Old Way Is Always Harder
Normally if you want to get rid of a negative belief it would require that you go back into your own history and you find that original event or events to remember to that original event or close to that original event in time.
Kind of talk your way around that event to convince yourself have a therapist convince you that the initial event didn’t mean what you interpreted it to mean. It didn’t mean what you thought it meant and to then go back in and try to prove through various mental experiments that all those other events that subsequently reminded you that original event didn’t reinforce that.
That takes a lot of time. That takes a lot of effort. That takes a lot of mental effort. This new technique that she is learning is much quicker it’s easier and what it requires is it was taught this seminar she went to was taught by this woman that discovered this technique.
New Theory Faster Easier More Powerful
She has a theory that all limiting beliefs are in the few basic categories. Because our beliefs are stored both in our brains and our bodies the trick is to to find a lot of early memories that are positive memories and are of the opposite structure of the typical structure of the negative beliefs.
Once the patient finds all those positive memories then the job of the massage therapist is to go to the body parts were we store all of these typical limiting beliefs and while the patient is focusing on these positive memories that have to be of the same type for the exact opposite type of the limiting beliefs structurally and focus on those positive childhood memories while the masseuse is working on this body parts that normally store the negative limiting body energy.
After about two hours of work the patient will be completely free from limiting beliefs. This woman who taught the seminar says that this is kind of a new process and they are still kind of working out the bugs and stuff and she says that the initial results look very very promising.
Massive And Sudden Improvements
In the very few people would’ve gone through the whole process have been completely freed from all limiting beliefs. These people are a lot more socially outgoing. They have zero social fears. All of their social anxiety has been eliminated. They have a lot easier time speaking in public. It’s much easier for them to start conversations with strangers.
It’s very easy for them to make more money because all of their negative money beliefs have been eliminated. Once this girl learns how to do this she’ll be able to offer this as part of her services. That will make her a lot of money.
New Techniques Make The Best Money
Once you come up with a technique that can rid people of their limiting beliefs so that people can be more socially outgoing so people can make more money so you can not be afraid of speaking in public this can be a very very wonderful thing.
One of the things that I’m most impressed about her is she’s a very unique individual. One she’s very very proactive. She’s has a very strong sense of self responsibility.
She doesn’t have any sense of entitlement. She has this kind of energy that says if she doesn’t she doesn’t understand something it’s her job to figure it out.
Get It Done
If she doesn’t have something it’s her job to go out and get that. If she doesn’t know something it’s her job to go and learn that. Also she has is very strong drive to make money, but she only wants to make money if she can make money by helping other people.
She has very unique personality that when you see somebody like this you know that this person is going to be very successful.
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