No Pickles
Way back when I was a kid, Burger King had a memorable jingle.
“Hold the pickle hold the lettuce, special orders don’t upset us..”
This was an advertising campaign to frame Burger King as a “different” kind of fast food restaurant.
A “custom made” fast food restaurant.
On the other hand, many restaurants have a strict, “no substitutions” rule.
This is a pure, free market choice.
If you want to custom make everything, that’s a choice.
If you want to have a “set” that’s a choice.
Both have drawbacks and benefits.
I remember once I was with a bunch of guys.
And we decided to order a pizza.
There was about eight of us.
Just making the decision the kinds of pizzas to get was horrible.
Nobody wanted to be the guy who passively accepted things.
Everybody wanted to feel they had “more” input than anybody else.
Factory built things can be cool.
If the factory built thing is close to what you want.
Trying to do things piecemeal is nice, if you are comfortable doing EVERYTHING separately.
Some people (like me) are perfectly happy buying things like PC’s “off the rack.”
Others wouldn’t dare.
They need to customize SOME parts of it.
Some guys HATE that women like guys with money.
Some ladies HATE that men like women that are “hot.”
Both sides WISH the other side would “ditch” some things and only appreciate other things.
Ladies wish guys would appreciate their “accomplishments” more than their looks.
Guys wish women would appreciate their “personalities” rather than their careers.
But we humans can’t exactly “custom build” our desires.
We like what we like.
And we like what we like BECAUSE our ancestors who liked the SAME THINGS we liked did much better.
No ancient dude would ever get very far by getting Mother Nature to “give him a chance” despite his lame hunting skills.
Non Negotiable
But on the flip side, Mother Nature DID take pretty good care of us.
To make it kind of impossible to pick and choose what we wanted.
There is one singular desire that if you ONLY pursued this, everything else will take care of itself.
But it’s very, very easy to MISUNDERSTAND this desire.
If you are even the slightest bit off in the pursuit of this desire, you’ll ONLY get that desire and nothing else.
On the other hand if you pursue this the way it was programmed into us, life will be filled with blessings.
Your life will be filled with blessings.
Socially, romantically, and financially.
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Money Brain
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