Weird Pie Man
I used to have this really weird neighbor a while back.
He loved to bake pies, and he was always giving everybody pies.
They were really good, and he kind of had a legitimate reason for this strange behavior, but it was still kind weird.
He’d just show up randomly, saying he baked a pie, and wanted to give it to you.
The first time, I thought maybe it was poison or something, or he was running some weird angle.
But then I talked to a couple of my neighbors and they said that’s just the way he is.
And when they explained why, it kind of made sense.
But baking random pies and giving them to random people seemed like a strange way to get this done.
Easier Ways To Do This
I could think of a lot easier ways to do this.
One huge problem that only happens in third world countries has to do with farming.
Any company that creates and sells any product has to always innovate.
You have to always think of ways to do better.
Always Be Innovating
You have to always be creative.
You have to embrace and accept competition.
For most companies, this means building products and testing them out.
Or coming up with new services and testing them out.
How To Test Seeds?
But for companies that make or create seeds, it’s not so easy.
In order to test out a bunch of different seeds, you need a lot of land, and a lot of time.
So a lot of huge global corporations do this by kind of forcing third world farmers to be their guinea pigs.
Which kind of sucks if the seeds don’t work out.
So, Now I’m Broke?
The farmer has wasted half his land growing seeds that don’t turn into anything he can sell.
And because of the massive corruption that exists between global corporations and many world governments, nobody really cares if farmers are bullied into being experimental guinea pigs that might ruin them financially.
How To Become A Chemist
If you wanted to become a chemist as a hobby, it would be pretty interesting.
You could buy some equipment and supplies.
You could do some experiments.
You could take notes, and learn what works and what doesn’t.
This is pretty much what you do in chemistry class.
Cake Baking Experiment
If you wanted to learn to cook as a hobby, it basically be the same thing.
Mix a bunch of stuff together, put it in the oven, wait for the thermodynamically driven reaction to finish, and see what you made.
So long as you could be patient, and you were able to learn from your mistakes, you could become a pretty good cook.
This is essentially what you do in cooking class.
Waiting For Collapse
Once there was this guy that was a prepper.
The kind of guy waiting for the end of the world.
And he and his wife lived alone, no kids, on this big plot of land.
They would grow all their own food.
Wife Went Radio Silent
But one day this guy’s wife stopped talking to the neighbors.
The guy said she developed some psychological problems.
That she was afraid of going outside.
Since they weren’t otherwise weird, other than being end of the world doomsday preppers waiting for the apocalypse, nobody really thought about this.
Whatever You Say, Man
People just decided to accept this.
To believe this story this guy is telling.
But there was some kind of dispute.
Something about the land or the minerals or something.
Need To Test Your Soil
They sent out a few sheriffs and the guys to check on the mineral deposits or something.
You can own the land, but not the mineral rights.
So anyway, they were checking his land with their equipment, and they found a bunch of bones in this guys backyard.
Why So Many Bones?
Little pieces of bone scattered everywhere.
It turns out this guy killed his wife a long time ago.
And he chopped her up, and buried her in various places in his backyard.
When they did the DNA test, and found out all the bones came from her, it first looked like this guy was using his wife’s body as fertilizer for his yard.
Black Magic Gardener
But then they found all this occultist stuff in his house.
Lots of materials for doing rituals.
Turns out this guy’s wife volunteered to be killed and used to help grow his fruit trees.
They weren’t just preppers, they were waiting for the Dark Lord to return.
The Dark Lord Will Rise
He was hoping that by killing and sacrificing his wife, and being self sufficient with the food he grew from her dead body, he would get a good place in the hierarchy after the Dark Lord returned.
If you were to take up gardening as a hobby, it would be just like cooking or chemistry.
Mix a bunch of stuff together, wait for the organic chemical reactions to take place, and see what happened.
Gardening Requires Patience
But to be an efficient gardener, you need to be extremely patient.
You need to wait a long time.
Imagine having a huge farm, and being told by your government that if you don’t plant the experimental seeds, the government is going to take your farm away.
Indian Farmers Getting Boned
This is essentially what’s going on in a lot of third world countries, particularly countries like India.
Which is why a lot of farmers in India commit suicide.
They essentially give these guys two choices.
Give up your farm, and become poor.
Become an outcast.
Or grow these experimental seeds that might not be worth squat.
So you become poor, and become an outcast.
Unholy Alliance of Doom
This is what happens when you combine the unholy powers of global corporations and corrupt governments.
A choice between slow, painful death, and slow, painful death.
This guy’s story is that he is a prepper.
We All Gonna Die!
And he truly believes the economy is going to crash soon.
And the reason he is always giving pies to people is he believes that when the world ends, the only people who survive are the people who have good relationships with their neighbors.
The pies are very, very delicious.
He keeps talking about how his wife came up with the secret ingredient.
But he never tells us what the secret ingredient is.
Secret Woman?
And as far as I can tell, nobody has met this guy’s wife.
Which is kind of strange.
But the pies are pretty delicious.
Meat Pies
Particularly the meat pies that he makes.
I don’t know what kind of meat this is, but this is really, really good.
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