Iced Tea Commercial
I watched this really cool video recently
About how they made an ice T commercial.
First they showed the commercial.
A close up of a tall glass with ice cubes one stream of ice T came in from one side, and a stream of milk came in from the other side.
Slow Motion Videos
You can find a lot of cool videos with slow motion cameras.
Recently there’s been one with a bowling ball vs. a water balloon.
I used to read a lot of Tom Clancy.
He was famous for writing in a lot of detail.
Too Much Detail
Sometimes too much.
Pages and pages of deep detail to build up to a very critical idea.
They’ve been working on this dual stage energy pulse mind control weapon.
Push Out Thoughts
The first phase knocks your neural matrix momentarily out of alignment.
From your subjective experience, this is like being discombobulated.
When you are talking to somebody, or listening to somebody, and your brain just kind of goes blank.
They suspect this happens normally when there is a random brainwave event.
Canceling Brainwaves
When some brainwaves accidentally cancel out other brainwaves.
And your mind becomes temporarily empty.
This is what happens as a result of the first pulse.
You forget everything.
The second pulse implants ideas in your mind.
Put These Ideas In
Ideas to obey me.
Ideas to do whatever I tell you.
Ideas to become obedient to authority.
Ideas to crave being told what to do.
Ideas to support your overlord.
Things Go Back To Normal
Then when this discombobulation ends, you’ll forget this.
And you’ll just remember this like any other time where you are in the middle of listening to somebody and you just that blank look on your face.
And the person you are listening to notices something is wrong.
Dude, Wake Up!
And they say, “Hey, are you paying attention?”
Hey, are you listening to me?
Once I read a Tom Clancy description of a nuclear bomb going off.
Not Sum of Their Experience
I think it was in, “The Sum of All Fears.”
A nuclear bomb only takes a few microseconds.
But Clancy took three pages to describe everything.
My two favorite slow motion videos are off a bass speaker with a bunch of different colored paints slowly bouncing around.
Fish Smacking
And a guy getting smacked in the side of the head, from behind, by a big fish.
In order to create the ice T effect they needed two precision machines.
One for the Tea and one for the milk.
Precision streams of liquid.
There Are Always Two Levels
Which means whenever you see things like this, there are really two levels.
The stuff you see on the surface.
And all the stuff on the inside.
Stuff these people don’t want you to see.
Please Deceive Me
A kind of welcome deception.
Because if you see the stuff behind the scenes, it will ruin everything.
We humans like our illusions.
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