I remember when I was first learning about NLP and hypnosis. Things like “focus on what you want, instead of what you don’t want.” There’s a common idea that suggestions shouldn’t contain negatives, for this specific reason. Like you tell somebody not to do something, and that “thing” they aren’t supposed to do is going […]
Stop Being Pushed Around Like A Mindless Robot
I have this friend that teaches kindergarten, and she’s telling me all the cool games they play. One of them is called “Mr. Robot” or “Mrs. Robot” depending. Basically, all the kids get on one side of the room, and one kid gets to be the robot. The kids shout out simple commands, “stop, go […]
Tap Your Inner Wealth Generator For Seduction
Is getting girls really so hard? Whatever “getting girls” means to you, picking up random strangers for quick hook ups or finding that special someone for a life long, mutually supportive relationship. I mean, after all, we’re not trying to invent a new form of physics or anything. We’re just doing what man has done […]
How To Easily Achieve Greatness In Your Lifetime
If you want to learn how to do something, there’s really only a few ways. One is to simply try from trial and error. Figure out what you want, make a move, and see what happens. If you get closer, do more of whatever you did. If you are further away, do less of whatever […]
Einstein’s Unsolved Paradox
Most people in the world know about Einstein, and how he was a supergenius that most people couldn’t understand. But there was one problem he was never able to solve. It was the “gravity-acceleration” paradox, and it goes like this. Imagine you’re in some room, similar to your room at home. There’s no windows, so […]
How To Master The Game Of Life
There’s always been a huge running debate about the makeup of man. Some say that we are born as blank slates, and are incredible learning machines. Some say that we are filled with ancient instincts that drive our behavior. But William James, an old philosopher, said we are both. Meaning we have tons of instincts […]
Whose The Director Of Your Life?
I’ve taken a few acting classes at local community colleges in the past. They’re great for a lot of reasons. One is you get to meet some interesting people who aren’t afraid to get out of their comfort zone. They also help you uncover lots of issues about expressing yourself. The best actors are the […]
Whose Life Are You Living?
There’s a funny thing about human life, and that’s when we don’t have something, it’s all we want. But as soon as we get it, we realize it’s not really such a big deal. When it comes to meeting girls and creating relationships, this is doubly or triply true. On the one hand, you’ve got […]
Are Your Fears Really Real?
I remember long ago, I signed up for Toastmasters, as a means of self improvement. Public speaking is one of our biggest fears, and I figured if I looked one of my fears in the face, and realized that it was much smaller than I’d imagined, I’d feel pretty good. And I did. A good, […]
Secrets Of Unconscious Attraction
There’s a myth out there that says that girls like to be chased. Like most myths, there’s a certain degree of truth in it. Sure, some girls like to be “chased” by guys that they are ALREADY interested in. But telling any guy to chase a girl until she “surrenders” may backfire. Obviously, there’s plenty […]