The Milton Model is a set of language patterns that can be thought of as being “artfully vague.” They work well because your listener will “fill in the blanks” using his or her own experience, which will help to create a lot of rapport. This will also help you to persuade them, as they’ll be […]
When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife?
Linguistic Presuppositions There’s a powerful set of language patterns called presuppositions. You can use these to imply some incredible things about you or your product or your idea, that makes it sound compelling to your listener or reader. But these can also be used destructively, and in fact this is how most people use them. […]
Explode Their Desire
All humans are pre-programmed with an insatiable desire for more stuff. No matter how much stuff you’ve got, you’ll always want more. This is human nature, and it’s why we are the predominant species on Earth. While every other animal was content to eat, sleep and have sex, somehow humans ended up with a burning […]
How To Destroy Criticism and Judgment
There’s plenty of nifty tools in NLP. One of them is the “meta model.” Whenever humans look out into the world, we never, ever, get the “whole story.” A long time ago, nature had to decide whether a fast, inaccurate brain or a slow, accurate brain was better. All the dudes with slow but accurate […]
The Most Powerful Model
If you ask ten different people about what’s in NLP, they’ll give you ten different answers. To be sure, there’s lots of stuff to learn in NLP. But what do the experts regard as the most important part of it? What do they recommend to learn if you’ve only got a limited time and a […]