Infinite Flow Theory I had this friend in college that was always trying to do this ridiculous experiment. He thought that if he calibrated everything correctly, he’d be able to create a non stop flow from beer into his mouth, and urine out of his penis. But he never quite matched the beer […]
Galileo’s Timepiece
Drugs and Brains For every drug you can take, that can give you an interesting mental experience, you have to have a corresponding receptor in your brain. Drugs, whether they be naturally occurring in nature, or highly synthesized and concentrated in a lab, can only work if they match with a pre-existing receptor site […]
Mind Control Plant
Free Seminar The other day I went to this very interesting PUA seminar or pickup seminar. It was free and was only one day and when you go to a free seminar they almost always upsell you at the end, either a book or some type of home study course or a more expensive seminar. […]