Food Hypnosis
Supermarkets, or rather their marketing departments, have long known how to covertly influence people.
Sometimes based on the layout of the supermarket, or the way the food is chemically altered to become more addictive.
But recently they have been experimenting with new technology that is far more dangerous.
Natural Taste Selection
Human taste evolved slowly over time.
The people that had a taste that preferred healthy food tended to survive much more than those who’s taste buds were randomly calibrated to unhealthy food.
This, however, is being leveraged against our will for profits.
Parasitic Lawsuits
One type of income generation by corrupt lawyers involved suing people and playing the numbers game.
Since it doesn’t cost anything to file a lawsuit, you only need one to pay off bigly.
Of course, this type of lawsuit doesn’t do anything positive for society, and is much more parasitic.
Origin Story Unknown
There is this guy, who had some kind of unknown yet horrific childhood.
There is about a five year gap in his early life that nobody knows anything about.
His hobby is making tons of money by destroying large corporations.
He’s very wealthy and has a huge team that helps him enact a very lucrative con.
Inside Con Job
He gets hired, helped out by his fake background crew, and then he begins.
Over the course of a year, he used powerful covert hypnosis to utterly destroy the key people in the company.
Eventually, after he’d destroyed their thinking capacity with his dark energy covert hypnosis, the company collapses.
Of course, before he unleashes his evil plan, he shorts the company, so as they go out of business, the stock collapses and he makes a fortune.
Short Yourself Rich
Since many large companies survive very much by debt, it’s pretty easy to find fat and potentially lucrative targets.
Even if they only get one out of ten, likely because they have plenty of hidden skeletons in the closet that would come out if there were a lawsuit, they pay him to go away.
Of course, if all you ate was what tasted good, which was a perfectly fine strategy back in the old days, you’ll end up getting sick.
They are using a deep and lasting subliminal programming session.
Cardboard Cake
So they can sell things that are extremely cheap to make, but because of the powerful subliminal programming they hope to create, people will eat this cheap food and believe it tastes delicious.
Which mean you might end up eating colored saw dust and believe it takes like a delicious baked chicken.
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