Angry Genius
There was this really intelligent engineer that absolutely hated his job.
He didn’t hate his job directly, he hated his job indirectly.
He was and had been really good at his job for fifteen years.
But during that time he neglected his wife and family, she had an affair, divorced and sued him and he got utterly obliterated.
So he transferred his blame to his job, a company that manufactured CPU’s and circuit boards for high end consumer gaming PC’s.
He also, in a strange case of externalizing, blamed all the PC gamers for creating such demand.
Angels Demons Aliens
The spirits we share the Earth with are just like regular people.
Some hate us, some love us, but most really don’t care.
These spirits aren’t angels, they aren’t demons, they aren’t aliens, it’s just that these are the only archetypes categories our brains can put these otherwise indescribable entities.
Fake Food Labels
One of the problems with food manufacturing is there isn’t really any way to tell if the ingredients listed on any food packaging are the only ingredients.
For example, the keto diet has become really popular, and plenty of food manufacturers list zero net carbs, but they still have a ton of carbs.
This allows major brands to do experiments in small markets by putting experimental chemicals in the food they hope to increase our addiction to said food.
Imperial Colony Strategy
When Athens started up, they set up a lot of colonies around the Aegean sea.
Some of these colonies worked out well, some of them rebelled.
The ones that rebelled were destroyed by Athens.
Plenty of Empires follow this strategy.
Rome, Britain, Imperial Japan.
Crush The Rebellion
Some colonies work out, and some rebel.
Of the ones that rebel, some are successful, some are destroyed by the parent empire.
Earth is one such colony that was seeded a few million years ago with DNA that would hopefully evolve.
We are considered a rebel colony by our sentient overlords.
Dudes In Charge
Unfortunately, the leadership of Earth is trying very hard to rebel against our alien overlords.
This will inevitably lead to a complete destruction of the Earth.
The invasions is expected to begin over the next ten or twenty years.
Zero Point Influence
Some of their experiments yield zero results.
Some increase our food addiction, and are kept and slowly put into all brands.
Others cause problems.
Problems like insanity, amnesia, and other mental issues.
Since the food manufacturers are tangentially connected to the pharmaceutical companies, they both get kickbacks.
Food and Drug Administration
If the food manufactures inadvertently cause mental issues with their untested food additives, and this lead to an increase in prescription drug use, then the pharmaceutical companies will pay the food companies.
The ones that dislike us will possess us just for fun.
Sometimes this is just to make us do things we wouldn’t otherwise do.
Why Did I Do That?
Like if you ever have a poor memory of why you did something you wish you wouldn’t have done, chances are it’s these spiritual beings that are purposely causing you anguish.
Sometimes they’ll possess you for a few weeks, months or even years, just to have fun.
They’ve been known to turn the most normal people into cannibals or serial killers, for example.
He took his revenge slowly and methodically.
Revenge On The Gamers
He added some subroutines to create sub-acoustic sounds, and sub visual flashing messages.
So about ten percent of people will be affected.
If you are ever playing a video game and feel a sense that somebody else is inside your mind, chances are you are one of the victims.
Which means these effects will slowly get worse over time.
Your Brain Is Shrinking
Your memory will begin to face.
Your amnesia will begin to grow.
You’ll begin to wake up in the evening and feel a presence standing next to your bed.
Sometimes, you won’t be able to move.
Stuck In Bed
That’s right when this is about to get worse.
When you’ll be in the middle of a thought, and suddenly everything will go blank.
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