Look Around
Imagine you’re a dude.
If you ARE a dude, this should be easy.
Anyhow, you walk into a room.
A social environment where people go to meet other people.
You scan the room for ladies.
How, specifically, do you do this?
Do you spend a few minutes looking at each one, and trying to figure out her personality?
Maybe, but probably not.
If you are like most normal dudes, the very first pass look is to categorize the girls based on beauty.
Suppose there are fifty girls in this big room.
And you had some alien brain tech.
So you could check inside each dude’s brain and see who THEY thought were the top five beauties.
Do you think it would be a random distribution?
Or do you think most guys would more or less choose the same small group of women and put them in their own top five?
Most dudes would choose the same basic group.
This is only a first pass.
Only First
Of course, there is a lot more to romantic happiness than just looks.
But for guys, this IS the very first thing guys notice.
What about the ladies?
What do they notice?
Many guys WRONGLY assume it’s also looks.
It is not.
It is something much more subtle.
Something that does take a bit of subconscious thinking.
Subconscious thinking based on ancient evolution.
Girls look at guys, and JUDGE guys, based on relative frame strength.
Or their STATUS related to the other guys in the room.
That word, status, is easy to misunderstand.
It’s usually confused with either wealth, or outwardly displayed signs of wealth.
This is why guys get hung up on looks, and wearing the right “clothing” etc.
But the real driving factor if INITIAL attraction is relative status.
Who’s The Man?
Or relative frame strength.
For example, suppose a girl had some kind of ESP knowledge of some bad thing that was about to happen.
She didn’t know what specifically, only that something was coming.
And she had to decide which DUDE would be the most likely to handle that bad thing that was coming.
Certainly not the dude who looked the prettiest, or had the best looking clothing.
The dude who had the most FRAME strength.
The guy who radiated a deep sense of confidence.
The guy who seemed to have this sense of belief in himself.
That no matter WHAT happened, he’d be able to handle it.
The guy who DOESN’T look around and feel intimidated in the LEAST by any of the people around him.
A guy who could feel absolutely confident starting and maintaining a friendly conversation with ANYBODY in the room.
Now the money question.
Build Your Frame
How, specifically, can you slowly build this kind of relative frame strength?
There is a way.
But this way is TERRIFYING for most “normal” people.
Which means if you want to STAND OUT from those normal people, this will do the trick.
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